May 27, 2015
Never before in the history of medicine have we had better insight into the factors that determine the health of an individual from infancy to adulthood, which is part of the life course perspective—a way of looking at life not as disconnected stages but as integrated across time. AAP
Dear Sonoma County ACES Connection enthusiasts,
Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting. We had a robust turn out and we welcomed several new members: Dee Dee Bridges from the League of Women Voters Sonoma County, Robyn Robbins a member of Roseland Pediatrics’ team that traveled to Johns Hopkins to work on incorporating trauma informed care into a pediatric health center, she leads Peer Wellness groups at the health center & she is a Foster Parent, Martha Tilling from Community Action Partnership & the MCAH Advisory Board, and two of our new Public Health Nurses: Mandy Miller & Jennifer Law!
Today, we started the meeting with a quiet mindful moment lead by Grace Harris. This quick, simple 4-7-8 breathing technique can be used anywhere. Just breathe in for the count of 4 – hold for a count of 7 – and exhale as if blowing through a straw for the count of 8. And repeat! The point of this exercise was to also show that we do not need to carve out 20 or 30 minutes – just a minute is enough!
Marta asked for clarification regarding the purpose of this ACEs group. Copied from the Sonoma County ACES Connection website: We work collaboratively to inform our community about ACEs, their lifelong effects and effective interventions; to promote evidence-based strategies and programs to reduce the impact of ACEs; to build resilience and prevent future ACEs; and to change systems to identify and serve persons impacted by trauma more effectively. Thank you for asking, Marta!
We learned that SENECA was recently contracted to address student absences in partnership with the probation department. Our group would like to ensure that SENECA addresses student absenteeism using Trauma Informed methodology.
New Directions School co-located at CPI now utilizes the ACE’s survey in both individual therapy and one hour of group therapy.
Jennie Silverstein shared her most recent blog where she weaves together her knowledge of neurodevelopment and language acquisition!
The group decided to develop an ACES Subcommittee to look at developing a Speakers’ Bureau: Grace, Kathy, Allison, Carol, Marta, Gabrielle, & Jennie volunteered! Let Karen know if you’d like to be a part of this important subcommittee too!
Jane provided an in-depth review on utilization of the ACES Connection webpage.
- Posting and messaging on blog,
- access presentations which you can borrow, good for medical purposes
- Notifications: Can use for updates for us, and to continue the conversations
- Use presentations from others : speakers bureaus
- Use “Clips” to add slide shows. Members can send clips to Allison to post.
- Tags are like headings for an overall subject of the story that you are discussing.
- The Roadmap to resilience is a map to guide areas to build the essential pieces that cities used to become trauma informed. A toolkit will come out this summer.
- Jane is developing a survey to use for keeping track of everything you are doing and will post to the Yolo county website so you can use as an example.
- Reminder: Put everything – materials-presentations- meetings etc on the calendar
Learning Oppertunities:
June 11, 2015 Dr. Robert Macy at Hanna Boys Center
June 26, 2015 Dr. Bruce Perry in NAPA
September 11, Dr. Janina Fisher in Santa Cruz
September 22, 2015 Dr. Robert Anda, at Hanna Boys Center
Recently shared article of interest:
Hope to see you at our next meeting on June 27th!
Be sure to sign up for Sonoma County ACES Connection – just google to find the link J
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