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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

October 26 Meeting Notes

(For a colorful version with graphics, please see the attached .pdf.)


Dear Sonoma County ACEs Connection Friends,


Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting.   


Jessica Hackwell invited the group to take a mindful moment to listen to a “reflection” or short tale with a powerful message about intentions.


Briana Downey welcomed the group to the Valley of the Moon Children’s Home and talked briefly about the Trauma Informed Journey taking place through this residential home run by Human Services.  Briana thanked Brian Farragher for leading a presentation on Trauma Informed Care, ACEs, and Self-Care, which took place just before the ACEs meeting.  This workshop is one of many trainings Valley of the Moon and other County staff are participating in to raise awareness around ACEs, trauma, and resiliency.

Seven Sonoma County ACEs Connection members attended the Center for Youth Wellness ACE’s Conference in October 2016.  Enthusiasm ran high as members shared lessons learned and resources.  Brian Farragher of Hanna Boys Center was a presenter during the “Changing the Paradigm” Session.  Arlene Roman and Meredith Kieschnick of Santa Rosa Health Centers participated in the Project Showcase highlighting their efforts to become a trauma informed practice and the results of screening more than 2200 families.    


Kate Pack, First 5, asked for volunteers to participate in a trauma-informed self-assessment as part of the MARC grant evaluation.  Interested agencies should contact Kate before December 1, 2016 at (707) 565-5387or


Kate Jenkins sent in her Treasurer’s report.  The Sonoma County ACEs Connection collected $8080.00 in fellowship fees including a $2,000 sponsorship for the ACE Interface training from Hanna Boys Center. Kate and the Co-Chairs authorized $1511.18 for catering for the ACE Interface training.


Working Guidelines, a defining document for the Sonoma County ACEs Connection coalition, were discussed again today.  Allen Nishakawa worked with several coalition members to try and develop suggestions for edits to the draft document, and presented a detailed document for potential approval.  (Thank you to Allen and friends for all of your hard work!) Members expressed concern that the document did not promote inclusivity and several members wanted to spend more time vetting details.  Dory Escobar shared her expertise and experience with coalition development, and suggested the group “take a pause” before continuing with the current draft.  Alea offered to further engage folks around developing a draft with a follow-up meeting.  (Note:  Alea will send a Doodle poll to select a date for this ad hoc committee work after November’s meeting.)

Please post news of your activities on the ACEs Connection webpage. As Jane says, this is our community of practice.  It is as easy to use as Facebook, but it offers us so much more as it can be a place where we share resources and ideas.  The site is newly organized and has a new look. Check it out today:

Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:

·        NEW Essentials for Childhood ACEs Topic

·        The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & Resiliency Fellowship Begins!

·        Self-Care Resources





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