At our October meeting, we will vote to approve a set of working guidelines for Sonoma County ACES Connection. Attached you will find a description of the recommended changes. Please read and be ready to discuss and vote on the proposed changes at our meeting on the 26th.
How we developed these recommendations
I had requested that SCAC members post any comments or concerns about the proposed guidelines. I received comments from a few persons and invited all of them to participate in an ad hoc group to review and consolidate the various suggestions. Group members included a health care provider, and staff from two non-profit agencies and the County Department of Health Services. Based on that input, we would like to offer the attached recommended changes for consideration at the October meeting. The changes are grouped into four items.
The first item collects the changes that all group members either supported, or were least willing to accept. There are about two dozen changes in all, ranging from correcting simple numbering errors to the addition of previously approved committees. Separate votes on each item could take an hour or more, so we are offering all of them as one item to try to expedite the process.
Items 2 through 4 address matters where there was no clear group consensus. These seemed to be significant issues deserving of separate discussion and votes. They cover the vision statement, the process for accepting members and the elected leader position of Medical Director/Field Expert. Brief "For" and "Against" statements are included to explain the positions.
If you want to compare the changes to the original, or read the entire original guidelines, you can find them at the link below.
Hope to see you at the meeting!
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