Message from Brian Farragher:
Good morning – I wanted to reach out on behalf of Hanna to let you know about a conference we’re hosting January 29-31, 2020 called The Hanna Summit: The Ecology of Resilience, Transformation Through Trauma-Informed Care.
The Hanna Summit is an immersive three-day conference focused on learning and sharing new and proven approaches to trauma-informed care (TIC). Attendees will hear from leading TIC experts and participate in interactive discussions and exercises focused on healing-centered practices and models of resiliency.
Our speakers are experts in trauma-informed care and we’re thrilled to bring them, and their expertise, to Sonoma. We’ll have Kenneth Hardy, Sandra Bloom, Julian Ford, and Christine Courtois.
All of the details about the conference can be found on the web site – and in the attached flyer. If you’re interested in attending there will be scholarships available for Sonoma County teachers and school staff as well as for nonprofits that serve Sonoma County residents. For more information on scholarships please call my colleague Erin Hawkins at
Thank you, Brian
Brian J. Farragher, MSW, MBA
Chief Executive Officer
Hanna Boys Center
17000 Arnold Drive
Sonoma, CA 95476
Direct: 707.933.2529
Cell: 707.787.8949

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