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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Sonoma County ACES Connection Meeting Minutes 4-27-16


Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting.   We had a great turnout given many partners also planned to attend the Blue Ribbon Child Abuse Prevention luncheon the next day!

Today, we started the meeting with a meditation for our mindful moment.   Sue Stephenson introduced us to the Tonglen meditation of breathing in suffering and breathing out compassion.  With just a few breaths and a focus on our intentions, we were all quickly grounded in the compassion-centered work that brings us together.

We welcomed the participation of some newer faces around the table:  Brad Michnevich (Probation), Sean Kelson (Interlink), Ellen Bauer (Public Health), and Cruz Cavallo (Behavioral Health), Cecilia Perez (Humanidad), and Sybil Halloran (CIR, Inc).  We hope you’ll continue to work with us to prevent, heal, and treat ACE’s. 

Resilience Scale – a sticky metaphor we all can use.”  Grace Harris led our bursting group (27 members in attendance!) in a brief training describing a metaphor we can all put into action with youth and families. 

This framework encourages us to think of a child's development as a scale that has two sides.  Negative and positive factors in the child's life tip the scale to one side or the other.  Most important, the position of the child's fulcrum (or balancing point) is affected by genetics and experiences.  If the fulcrum is off center, the child can be more easily affected by negative or positive factors.

Strategic Planning Session June 29, 9-12!  Sue led a lively initial planning discussion about where to hold our retreat, whether to serve food, and what engaging activities we could plan.  Thanks to Meredith K. for arranging for us to use Elsie Allen High School and for working with Santa Rosa Health Centers to donate lunch.  Alison L. and Sharon B. volunteered to lead an experiential activity.  Please RSVP if you’d like to join in the retreat – we are hoping for about 20 folks to join us.  We’ll all come together at Elsie Allen High on June 29 from 12:30 – 2:00 for our regular meeting. 

Activities across the network of ACEs Connection partners:


  • Brian F. will serve as the morning speaker at the Blue Ribbon Child Abuse Prevention event on April 28.  He will talk about his experience with Trauma Informed Care at Hanna Boys Center and beyond.
  • Meredith K. announced the new Trauma Informed class series offered at Vista Family Health Center. 
  • Adrianna  Arrizon shared the Petaluma Paper Tigers May 12 event flyer and confirmed that the First 5 Commission officially offered its support to the ACEs Speakers Bureau with a $15,000 contribution towards the train the trainers event.
  • Alea T. announced the Department of Health Services was exploring the option of applying for the Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma grant
  • Karen C. and Holly W. announced Dr. Stephan Betz is leading a field trip to Vallejo to visit a Trauma Informed School.  Several ACEs Connection members will attend and report out.


Please post news of your activities on the ACEs Connection webpage.          As Jane says, this is our community of practice.  It is as easy to use as Facebook, but it offers us so much more as it can be a place where we share resources and ideas.  The site is newly organized and has a new look. Check it out today:


Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:


Hope to see you at our next meeting on June 29, 2016!

12:30 to 2:00 at the Elsie Allen High School Conference Room:

599 Bellevue Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407


If you can also join our Strategic Planning Session on June 29 from 9-12, please RSVP here.


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