- Breathing and presencing
- Introductions - small stories
- Inquiry around ACEs training for County staff
- Regional Parks hosted a training that was well received
- Allison noted that Behavioral Health had budget issues
- Jesus is looking for someone to do ACEs education.
- David - Karen’s attachment of ACEs flyer and MARC history was very helpful
- Allison’s team established peer support CREW - committee for resilience and employee Well Being
- Had an ACEs training as part of professional development
- Wanting ‘mental health first aid’ - mental health and substance abuse, how to ask the right questions and deal with what people encounter
- Multiple comments that it is ‘very basic’
- QPR - approach came up
- Discussion around ‘technical’ presentation and whats missed on the nuanced, emotional dimension of supporting people
- Legal vs. personal reporting
- Hard to thread ‘technical’ and ‘heart’
- David M. presentation - POSTPONED for larger audience
- Group decision to talk about ACEs connection history and future state possibilities
- Brief history - Allison 8 years
- Question about Tuesday Steering Committee
- Wondering about MindBody Training/Resilience collaborative
- Why not use ACEs Sonoma as hub for those trained
- Is there value of helping make it more relevant for people to attend related to their job
- History of other states and some of what Elizabeth has experienced or was part of supporting
- Should we target people/agencies that we want to ‘get in’?
- Results Based Accountability exercise
- Do this next meeting
- ARTIC - measurement tool for trauma informed care of institution
- MARC put one out - APRICOT (data-base)
- Has this already been done?
- Holly White Wolf was instrumental at the time
- People are important
- TOO much predicated on a single person
- Departments can do it, and have to apply
- Andy Blanch - Tarpon Springs
- Elizabeth to invite to help us ‘not re-create’ the wheel
- Police chief - “What happened to that child”

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