(Please see attachment for a colorful and engaging version of these minutes.)
Dear Sonoma County ACEs Connection Friends,
Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting.
Today, we started the meeting with a mindfulness activity where we used our sense of smell and touch (but not sight!) to explore an object. Tuning into our senses is an easy mindfulness activity we can incorporate into our daily life.
Ellen Bauer shared a brief overview of the “Self-Healing Communities” model featuring six principles: 1.) Inclusive Leadership With Downward Accountability; 2.) Learning Communities; 3.) Emergent Capabilities; 4.) NEAR-Informed Engagement; 5.) Right-Fit Solutions Given Available Resources; and 6.) Hope and Efficacy.
Ellen plans to gather feedback about this model as part of a project with the California Leadership Academy for the Public’s Health. Asking the group for feedback about the idea that communities can heal themselves using this framework, Ellen received feedback from the group about the need to go to neighborhoods and community gathering spaces to hear directly from our local residents. More to come on this project in the months ahead!
ACEs and Resiliency Fellowship
Sue Stephenson announced our tremendous response to the ACEs and Resiliency Fellowship, which attracted 60 stellar applicants. In order to meet the high demand, the Coordinating Committee decided to create two offerings: the Master Trainer Program and Presenter Program. Master Trainers will commit to a more intensive training and will have the ability to train Presenters. Presenters will be invited to all Community of Practice Sessions and will be trained on two specific ACE Interface presentations. The 7-9 Community of Practice Sessions will also be open to community members.
SCOE generously offered to look into offering a space to hold our trainings.
Strategic Planning Update
Holly shared the draft working guidelines developed during the retreat and refined by group leaders in July. The official vote on the working guidelines is postponed until the September meeting to allow for more time to review and suggest edits. Please review the draft guidelines here, and send comments before September 11, 2016.
Violence Prevention Partnership & Sonoma County ACEs Connection
The recent Violence Prevention Partnership Tipping the Scale: Transforming Trauma was a tremendous success impacting at least 190 folks in attendance. Members of the Sonoma County ACEs Connection served on the planning committee, and helped influence this year’s topic. The new Program Manager, Jason Carter, invites future collaborations with ACEs Connection members. Jason spoke of the City’s interest in this topic and available resources to support the work including some grant funds. (Contact Jason for more details at jcarter@srcity.org or 543-4321.
We also met Jason’s colleague Salvador Sanchez Strawbridge the Community Outreach Specialist for the Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership. Sal shared his compelling story of revealing his ACEs at the Transforming Trauma conference. We also learned about his talents as a photographer. Check him out at: https://www.facebook.com/pocho1.fotography/ or view one of his compelling videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECLDs7NW7_U
End of Year One for the Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities Grant
Please share your ACEs and Trauma Informed efforts conducted over the past year with Holly White-Wolfe. Holly is preparing a report to show all of amazing work and local momentum around ACEs. We’ll share the report once it is completed in early November.
Please post news of your activities on the ACEs Connection webpage. As Jane says, this is our community of practice. It is as easy to use as Facebook, but it offers us so much more as it can be a place where we share resources and ideas. The site is newly organized and has a new look. Check it out today:
Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:
· The Power of Photovoice
· New Interactive Maps and Charts on ACEs in California
· How Poverty Alters the Young Brain by Eric Jaffe
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