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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Sonoma County ACES Connection Meeting Notes from 4-26-17

(For a picture-filled and engaging version of these notes, please see the attachment.)


Dear Sonoma County ACEs Connection Friends,

Thank you to all that participated in today’s ACES meeting. Holly White-Wolfe started us off with a meditation app (voice recording) that was shared at the MARC Gathering in Philadelphia. This “mindful moment” encouraged us to focus on our breath, noticing the rise and fall of our chest as a way to center ourselves throughout the day

Nick Dalton from the Hanna Institute shared with us an overview of the Social Emotional Learning they are doing with 205 students K-8 at the Sonoma Charter School. Nick led our group through the Rainbow Dance he does with his K-3 students. Rainbow Dance explores environment. This is done through a 45 minute period of short sections integrating self-regulation, grounding, safe transitions, and navigation of emotional feelings, connections with oneself, others and the grating the use of tonality, grounding music, imagination, silly voices and self-awareness. He shared with us the change he has seen throughout his students since the beginning of the program. He explained that through rainbow dance they are able to determine which children are having trouble self-regulating and who may need additional one-on-one outside support.

Holly shared with us highlights from her time at the MARC Gathering in Philadelphia and what other MARC Communities are working on. She explained that the MARC grantees felt that this is much more than just a project, but rather a social movement! Communities around the U.S. are going to great lengths to bring awareness about ACEs and build resilient communities. Walla Walla, Washington has created a conference entitled “Beyond Paper Tigers” that will help guide others interested in doing the work they did at Lincoln High school. Holly also discussed the great efforts around law enforcement and trauma informed policing that is taking place in Kansas City. For instance, at the Kansas City Police Department over 500 police officers have been trained in mindfulness. She shared this video to illustrate their efforts  Here in Sonoma County we are so thrilled to have two folks in the ACEs and Resiliency Presenter Program from Law Enforcement!

Allen updated us on committees that had met since our last meeting. The membership committee has since elected Allen Nishikawa as the chair of the committee. They are also working on finalizing the electronic survey to send out to the group to get a better understanding of what it means to be a member of Sonoma County ACEs Connection and where we see ACEs Connection going forward in the future.

Alea Tantarelli discussed the ACEs and Resiliency Fellowship Community of Practice session on April 25th and the Presenter Training that was held on April 13th. The Master Trainers have had 5 Community of Practices sessions to date and the next Session is scheduled for May 30th and will be open to the public.

Sue shared an update from the most recent Steering Committee Meeting. The Committee decided that they are going to fund up to $1,000 for an ACEs Connection representative to attend the “Beyond Paper Tigers Conference on June 28-29th in Walla Walla, WA. There will be an application process and they are asking for a potential match. The Steering Committee also decided Sonoma County ACEs Connection will purchase three spaces for the Hanna quarterly networking breakfast. The spots will be awarded to the first three people who respond to the email, but people may not request a space at all of the events.

Folks shared highlights of local trauma-informed efforts, including many ACEs related presentations that were happening locally. Nick Dalton shared that Hanna Institute is hosting a Professional Networking Breakfast featuring Dr. Bertram Lubin from UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital on June 8th. He also shared with us that Dr. Macy is coming to Hanna on May 12th to teach a Trauma Informed Care 101 Seminar. Kate Jenkins shared with everyone about the Dr. Bruce Perry Training on May 19th in Napa.

Salvador Sanchez-Strawbridge shared with us about Parent Engagement Month and the Gang Awareness Trainings for Parents that Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership is hosting. The last of their four events will be held on April 27th from 6-8 pm at the Bennett Valley (South Park) Senior Center.

Grace Harris shared information about Child Parent Institute’s Annual Blue Ribbon Training & Luncheon scheduled for April 27th, 2017. This year’s theme will focus on resiliency and will feature Keynote speakers Julie Brand and Judge Patricia Martin.

 Kate Jenkins shared her Treasurer’s report.  The Sonoma County ACEs Connection account currently has $7,010.88 in the account.

Please post news of your activities on the ACEs Connection webpage.

Here are some events and articles you won’t want to miss:


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