On December 11, 2017, more than fifteen agencies sent representatives to participate in our Trauma Informed Agency Champion training. Many folks expressed an interest in continuing to come together and to share resources. We invite all of the workshop participants and other interested community members to find connection right here via ACEs Connection!
I encourage you all to use the ACEs Connection websites and live groups which offer many resources for you including:
- The new online Becoming Trauma Informed group – please consider joining! https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...-informed-and-beyond
- Great articles including this one that features VOICES and all they learned through their Kaiser grant: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/...-informed-care-grant
- The Community Tracker tool where you can log your agency’s progress towards going trauma informed and take note of progress at other agency sites: https://acesconnection.shinyapps.io/sonoma/ Ready to add your agency? Do it here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdopnu2DSFjB1IWvzTlXww8MCp1a6XX_cYUUsiJO_
- Sonoma County ACEs Connection meetings – 4th Wednesdays 3:30 – 5:00 at CPI – offer a great place to get monthly support and resources.
- Visit the Resources Group to find materials to help you assess your organization's progress AND check out the e-survey we created for Sonoma County agencies using the Trauma Informed Practices Assessment Tool featured in this resource set: https://ctk.apricot.info/6.6/a...3f09723cdf77050182fa (Contact me at hwhitewolfe@schsd.org to customize this for you.)
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