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State PACEs Action

State ACE survey reports


The following are links to state reports on Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) ACEs module data.  Also included at the end of the list are links to the CDC 5-state study and a 10-state plus the District of Columbia study on ACEs and chronic disease.  [If any of the links do not work for you, please try cutting and pasting them into your browser.] Also, please add a comment to this post if you know of any additional reports that are not included here.

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Adverse Childhood Experiences: Overcoming ACEs in Alaska,  January, 2015 (17 pages)

Children's Trust did a survey to map organizations that have integrated knowledge of ACEs into their programs, September 2015 (51 Pages)


Overcoming Adverse Childhood Experiences:  Creating Hope for a Healthier Arizona, (3 pages)


Arkansas 2009 ACEs Module Variables Report (37 Pages)


Hidden Crisis: Findings on Adverse Childhood Experiences in California 2014 (24 pages)


Adverse Childhood Experiences in Connecticut (2 pages)


Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Adult Floridians, 2010 BRFSS, 31 pages and Abstract, one page (attached)
(link to abstract as presented at a meeting of the Council of State Territorial Epidemiologists-CSTE in 2015)

Florida Life Course Indicator Report—Childhood Experiences


Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Hawai‘i Adults: Findings from the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Survey, Hawai‘i Journal of Medicine & Public Health


Beyond ACEs: Building Hope & Resilience in Iowa (24 pages; Ex. Summary 4 pages)

Adverse Childhood Experiences in Iowa:  A New Way of Understanding Lifelong Health, Findings from the 2012 BRFSS (20 Pages)


Adverse Childhood Experiences:  Understanding Health Risks Across Generations in Illinois (14 pages)


Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Kansas Adults, 2014 Kansas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (16 pages)


Kentucky Department for Public Health, Division of Maternal & Child Health, Data Brief, December 2016 (2 pages)

Kids Count, 2014 County Data Book, Helping Kentuckians Live Healthier Lives, April 2013 (54 Pages)


ACEs in Maine: Health and Behavioral Outcomes, a PDF poster, based on 2010 data (attached).


Adverse Childhood Experiences among Michigan Adults (2 Pages)


Adverse Childhood Experiences in Minnesota, Findings and Recommendations Based on the 2011 Minnesota BRFSS, Executive Summary (4 pages)

Adverse Childhood Experiences in Minnesota, Findings and Recommendations Based on the 2011 Minnesota BRFSS (39 pages)

Also available is a PowerPoint presentation (81 slides).  Also available in the attachments section.

North Carolina

The Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Adult Health:  2012 North Carolina BRFSS, May 2014 (16 pages)

The Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Health of Current Smokers:  2012 NC BRFSS (12 pages)


A State Profile:  Adverse Childhood Experience, Oklahoma KIDS Count Fact Book 2006-2007 (114 Pages – see pages 11-16 for ACEs text and individual county profiles)

Oklahoma Kids Count Fact Book 2010 (Executive Summary, Special Report: Children of Incarcerated Parents (11 pages)


Building Resiliency:  Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Oregon Health Authority (8 pages) 


Pennsylvania Adverse Childhood Experience, 2014 BRFSS (46 pages)

Adverse Childhood Experiences and risk factors for chronic disease (poster) 

South Carolina

Children’s Trust of South Carolina has produced a series of ten research briefs on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Topics include the data collection process, an overview of ACEs, the prevalence of ACEs in various populations, and the relationship between ACEs and health and social outcomes. The Children’s Trust partnered with the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control to collect data on ACEs, utilizing the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to collect ACEs data.


Adverse Childhood Experiences – Texas, 2001 (poster)


Utah Health Status Update: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health, July 2011 (4 pages)


Vermont Adult Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Data Brief – Adverse Childhood Experiences 2010 (2 pages)


Adverse Childhood Experiences and Population Health: The Face of a Chronic Public Health Disaster”(130 pages)

“ACEs. The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences in Snohomish County” (10 pages) 


Adverse Childhood Experiences in Wisconsin:  Findings from the 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (34 pages)

The Influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Health of Wisconsin Citizens in Adulthood, 2015 — This report covers data from the 2011, 2012 and 2013 ACE modules added to the Wisconsin Behavioral Risk Factor Survey. 

A list of Wisconsin's expanded questions for the ACE BRFSS survey for 2015 is attached at the end of this blog post. 

Also see the multi-state report by the CDC:

“Adverse Childhood Experiences Reported by Adults --- 5 States, 2009” by Bynum, L, Griffin, T, Riding, DL, Wynkoop, KS, Anda, RF, Edwards, VJ, Strine, TW, Liu, Y, McKnight-Eily, LR, and Croft, JB in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reort (MMWR), Dec. 17, 2010. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Childhood Adversity and Adult Chronic Disease: An Update from Ten States and the District of Columbia, 2010 by Leah K. Gilbert, Matthew Breiding, Melissa Merrick, William Thompson, Derek Ford, Stvinder Dhingra, Sharon Parks.

Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences from the 2011-2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in 23 States, 2018 by Melissa T. Merrick, PhD; Derek C. Ford, PhD; Katie A. Ports, PhD; Angie S. Guinn, MPH.


Florida ACEs among Adult Floridians, 2010 BRFSS (Report and Abstract)

ACEs in Maine: Health and Behavioral Outcomes (poster)

Minnesota ACEs slides









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Comments (8)

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How can I find out the total number of people screened for ACE exposure? In the 2012 ACEs connection blog post by Felitti it was over 440,000 - but it has to be significantly more now, and I need a citation for it. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I can't find updated statistics on the CDC website. Thanks - 

A few short years ago, a colleague and I dreamed about an ACE's Movement that would raise awareness and inspire hope for change and healing.  It is so encouraging to see the growing momentum to introduce new policy to address the issue.  This will happen and indeed, we can change the world ~ one conversation, one policy at a time. 

South Carolina has published on their data from 2014. We're in the midst of updating our briefs with aggregate 2014-2015 data in the next couple of weeks. We are collecting additional ACE questions (similar to Wisconsin) on social factors and neglect in 2016 through the BRFSS. 



Jane Stevens posted:

That's correct, Bob. At present, it's up to the states to include their own ACEs module in the BRFSS.

Also, the people who ask the questions aren't necessarily very knowledgeable about the subject they're asking about. They follow a script to obtain mostly yes-no answers. 

Each year state health departments decides which modules to include in BRFSS, and they contract with people to decide whom to call (to get a representative sample of the population), and to do the phone calling. The people who do the calling don't know what modules the state has selected that year. You can usually find that information, as well as results of the survey, on your state's health dept site. (One exception I know about is Maine, which included an ACEs module in a BRFSS survey, and has not published the results.) 


Imperfect? Yes.  A start? Yes.

-- J. 


Hi Jane,

     After reading the recent [12/2016] story-which the recent blog note included a link to, I happened to scroll down the list of states, stopped at Maine, and noted the bottom item of a list ["DATA COLLECTION: BRFSS"] in the upper left portion of the Maine page:  (--"Changes in Weighting between 2010 and 2011 mean data cannot be combined or compared").

That's correct, Bob. At present, it's up to the states to include their own ACEs module in the BRFSS.

Also, the people who ask the questions aren't necessarily very knowledgeable about the subject they're asking about. They follow a script to obtain mostly yes-no answers. 

Each year state health departments decides which modules to include in BRFSS, and they contract with people to decide whom to call (to get a representative sample of the population), and to do the phone calling. The people who do the calling don't know what modules the state has selected that year. You can usually find that information, as well as results of the survey, on your state's health dept site. (One exception I know about is Maine, which included an ACEs module in a BRFSS survey, and has not published the results.) 


Imperfect? Yes.  A start? Yes.

-- J. 


This fall, I received a [randomly selected] call to my "cell phone only household" from (they acknowledged during the phone call, they were "a private contractor") my New Hampshire Behavioral Risk Factor..Survey (BRFSS), asking if I would like to participate in the BRFSS. I asked if they were including any ACE questions in this 2014 NH BRFSS. They asked what ACEs are/were. I attempted to try and explain it, and the person I was talking to said they'd never heard of the U.S. CDC/Kaiser-Permanente ACE study, or the Texas ACE study of 6,600 people-not all of whom had health insurance, which was reported in the April 2010 issue of Preventing Chronic Disease journal, and the nearly twenty subsequent individual state ACE studies. I ended up terminating the call after 20 minutes (8-12 minutes of me trying to explain. I ended up going to the CDC website, to try to ascertain what role the CDC takes as far as ACE screening in BRFSS, not finding what I felt was sufficient information, so I submitted an (by e-mail) inquiry to the CDC, and ended up getting a reply from a "Private Contractor" who advised it was up to the individual state BRFSS -whether they included ACE questions in the  annual BRFSS process. At the bottom of the email was his name and "Northrup-Grumman private contractor to the CDC". I attempted to relay my concern about that to my allies at POGO (the Project on Government Oversight). I hope this is helpful information to other members of the State ACEs groups.

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