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State PACEs Action


Telehealth Is Improving Health Care in Rural Areas (

Intermountain Healthcare is addressing the pressing needs of people who live in rural areas through telehealth, which uses secure video and audio technology to connect care providers in smaller health care facilities with specialists in large hospitals. The results we’ve experienced hold promise for rural communities throughout America. Patients are frequently transferred to distant acute care centers to receive specialized care. Local caregivers don’t get the opportunity to learn from...

State Attorney General announces free, prior and informed consent policy with Washington tribes (Indian Country Today)

Once, there was no easy recourse for tribes when governments or corporations engaged in one-sided, or unilateral, actions that negatively affected them. But on May 10, a major milestone in the fight for Native sovereignty was reached when Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced a new state policy regarding Washington’s federally-recognized tribes. “Effective immediately,” Ferguson said, “my office is adopting a consultation and consent policy regarding Washington’s 29...

Bad news-good news: Each additional ACE increases opioid relapse rate by 17%; each ACE-informed treatment visit reduces it by 2%

Each additional type of adverse childhood experience increases a person’s risk of relapse during medication-assisted opioid treatment by a whopping 17 percent. And each visit to a clinic that integrates trauma-informed practices based on ACEs science reduced the relapse rate by two percent, which can carry a person perhaps not to zero, but to a minimal risk of relapse.

Trauma Informed Delaware launched at May 1 symposium in Dover

When the history of Trauma Informed Delaware is written, two dates will stand out—the day when Governor John C. Carney signed Executive Order 24 “Making Delaware a Trauma-Informed State” on October 17, 2018 and the day of the inaugural Trauma Awareness Month Kickoff in Dover on May 1. About 350 activists, stakeholders, and officials came together at Delaware State University to be inspired, to learn, and to celebrate. First Lady Tracey Quillen Carney , who has propelled the statewide...

Local Organizations honored for Trauma-Informed Awareness Day []

The Daily Journal staff report | May 15, 2019 Illinois is one step closer to becoming a trauma-informed state. Senate Resolution 99 and House Resolution 248, sponsored by state Sen. Julie Morrison and Rep. Karina Villa, designates May 15 as Illinois’ Inaugural Trauma-Informed Awareness Day to highlight the impact of trauma and the importance of prevention and resilience through trauma-informed care. Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued a proclamation recognizing May as Mental Health Awareness Month and...

Nearly Half of Rural Adults Experiencing More Mental Stress (

Just this week, The American Farm Bureau released a survey they commissioned on the issue of rural stress and mental health. It was taken just last month. The results show two in five rural adults say stress and mental health have become more of a problem in their community in the past five years. Also, 36% say it's gotten worse in the last year. Nearly half of rural adults say they are personally experiencing more mental health challenges than they were a year ago and it seems to be worse...

Recap- Virginia Summit On Childhood Trauma And Resilience 4/25/19

On Thursday April 25, 2019 Voices hosted over 950 attendees at the Virginia Summit on Childhood Trauma and Resilience . The goal of the Summit was to connect child-serving professionals and advocates across the Commonwealth to best practices to prevent, and better address, the impacts of childhood adversity. California’s first Surgeon General and well-known ACEs expert, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, provided the keynote address. Both Governor Northam and First Lady Pamela Northam addressed the...

Power and Opportunity in the States []

States have long been laboratories for innovations that influence the health and well-being of their residents. This role has only expanded with the greater flexibility being given to the states, especially as gridlock in Washington, D.C. inspires more local action. The bevvy of new governors and state legislators who took office early this year also widens the door to creativity. Medicaid is perhaps the most familiar example of state leadership on health. With costs and decisions shared by...

Snapshot of ACEs Statutes and Resolutions through end of 2018

The attached table summarizes all of the statutes and passed resolutions that contain the words "Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)" and trauma-informed language through the end of 2018. There are nearly 60 statutes with the earliest law enacted in Washington State in 2011. The laws are categorized by subject matter such health care, education, training, and funding. If you are aware of something we missed, please leave a comment to this post.

BPC Releases First Comprehensive, Transparent Study of Federal Funding to Fight Opioid Epidemic [Bipartisan Policy Center]

Editor's note: In addition to an overview of how states are spending federal opioid dollars, the Bipartisan Policy Center report also includes 5 state in-depth briefs—Arizona, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Ohio and Tennessee. News release Tuesday, March 26, 2019 Washington, D.C. – In 2017, more than 70,000 people in the United States died from a drug overdose, with almost 50,000 of these deaths involving an opioid. Americans are now at greater risk of dying from an opioid overdose than a car...

NCSL provides database of ACEs legislation in 2018 and 2019

As it did in 2018, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) is tracking state legislation that contains the words “adverse childhood experiences” (ACEs). Trauma-related legislation that does not include those words is not included in the database. This link will take you to the Injury Prevention Legislation Database|Opioid Abuse Prevention page on the NCSL site to access the ACEs legislation database. Under “Topics,” choose the fist topic listed (ACEs) and under “States,” choose...

Opioid Treatment Programs Gear Up to Provide Suicide Care (

It’s long been suspected that the nation’s unprecedented drug overdose epidemic and sharply rising suicide rates are linked. Now health researchers are finding concrete evidence that the two preventable causes of death — which are among the top 10 in the United States — are intrinsically related: People with an opioid addiction are at much higher risk for suicide than the rest of the population; and opioid use was a contributing factor in more than 40% of all suicide and overdose deaths in...

Bill to address resilience education and skills training in response to climate change advances in Oregon

As reported earlier by ACEs Connection , the Oregon legislature is considering a bill, S. 1037, to establish a Transformational Resilience Task Force to make transformational resilience education and skills-training available to all Oregonians by 2025. Under the bill, an 18-member task force would be created to study aspects of psychological, emotional, and psychosocial resilience education and skills training. r to l Bob Doppelt, David Pollak, Mandy Davis Oregon members of the International...

17 states collect ACEs data in 2018; total now 42 states and DC

The US Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated information about the states' inclusion of the ACE module in the BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey). The CDC reports that “…since 2009, 42 states plus the District of Columbia have included ACE questions for at least one year on their survey.” In 2018 alone, 17 states included the ACE module, four of them (Idaho, Indiana, New Jersey, and West Virginia) for...

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