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Tacoma-Pierce County PACEs Connection (WA)


Mobilizing ACEs, Trauma, and Resilience Networks to Support and Strengthen Pandemic Response Efforts []

By @Anndee Hochman “What are your signs of stress?” asked the leaders of a recent mindfulness webinar hosted by the Philadelphia ACE Task Force (PATF), held during the week that U.S. cases of COVID-19 neared half a million and more than sixty Philadelphians had died of the disease. Participants spilled their responses into the chat box: “headache…teeth grinding…can’t think clearly…nervous stomach…ruminating thoughts…muscle pain…itchiness…bad dreams.”

We Want YOU to be Part of The League of Extraordinary People

You are extraordinary. Writing this post feels like I have come full circle. In April of 2019, Alfred White reached out to me on ACEs Connection. Shortly after, we spoke at length about the plans he had to create a place of healing and hope in Federal Way and King County, Washington, specifically for individuals with a history of trauma and who were now impacted with symptoms such as addiction and homelessness. I recall sharing with Alfred that there was such a need for this in that...

Temple Grandin Has Some Great Tips to Help Kids With Autism Cope During the Coronavirus Quarantine (Parade)

By Deborah Wallace, April 3, 2020, Parade Parents who are working at home during the coronavirus quarantine face many challenges. But the boundaries between work and home life are blurred even more when your child has autism. To commemorate National Autism Awareness Month in April , international autism expert Temple Grandin spoke to about how parents and caregivers can help their families thrive during this unprecedented time of isolation. Grandin, Ph.D., professor of animal...

RSVP now for two lunchtime webinars! April 14th & April 28th!

Washington State Essentials for Childhood is launching a series of lunchtime webinar series. Series three and four webinars are: 3 Guiding Truths for Building Regulation and Resilience in Children with Significant Trauma Related Needs Time and Date: April 14, 2020; 12:00 – 1:00pm Presented by: Tiffany Sudela-Junker Mother by adoption, Tiffany Sudela-Junker shares stories from her own personal and parenting transformation along with the science & insight that led her to uncover Three...

Free Online Hope Forum - Kids at Hope

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 2:00pm Eastern Time 1:00pm Central Time 12:00pm Mountain Time 11:00am Pacific Time (AZ) To register, click here . Rick Miller Founder of Kids at Hope and Professor of Practice and Clinical Director at Arizona State University’s Center for the Advanced Study and Practice of HOPE will be joined by very special guests for a series of weekly Online HOPE Forums exploring the soul, science and practice of HOPE during times of uncertainty. Joining Rick for the first of...

The Peace Bus

Times in our community have been challenging and traumatic recently. Shining a light on how we can come together and support one another is vital during this time, and is just what Kwabi Amoah-Forson is doing with The Peace Bus. This is incredible work and reflects the importance of connectivity at this time. Please consider supporting the work Kwabi is doing, and share with others to spread the word! Per his recent Facebook post: "Fear, division, and safety have been the reoccuring themes...

2020 People's State of the Union

Click here for more info. Each year the President delivers a State of the Union Address, in which they tout their achievements and vision for the future. But we the people know that true democracy is a conversation, not a monologue. We know that in order to journey toward “a more perfect union,” we have to root out and rectify the same enmeshed evils that have kept people down for centuries: racism, anti-immigrant policies, environmental destruction, militarism, and a profit-driven economy...

Upcoming Webinars from Essentials for Childhood

ACE’s and Resilience Learning Network: Creating Safe, Stable and Nurturing Relationships and Environments for All Kids We are excited to announce Washington State Essentials for Childhood is launching a series of lunchtime webinar series. The first two Webinars are: Trauma-Informed Workplaces: Practice Applications in Equity, Empathy, and Employee Development Presented by : Delena Meyer and Toby Lucich Building a more compassionate workplace can feel overwhelming. After researching best...

Child Trends Seeks Information About Programs Serving Opportunity Youth

From Child Trends, March 6, 2020 Child Trends’ new project with MDRC, “ Reconnecting Youth: Putting Out-of-School, Out-of-Work Youth on a Path to Self-Sufficiency ,” is seeking information about programs that provide services to help young people ages 16 to 24 advance on education and employment pathways. This project is focused on the population of young people who are out of work and out of school, sometimes called disconnected or opportunity youth. The information gathered will result in...

CRI's Search for National Resilience Champions

CRI is the nation’s first Resilience community network and a national leader in the effort to create and support inclusive, equitable and healthy communities who understand, model and promote the common language of safety, connection and love. Contextual community resilience is our emphasis and helping to share that message is our passion. Why did CRI create a national resiliency award? Malcolm Gladwell defined a tipping point as ‘the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling...

ACEs Connection, our Cooperative of Communities, and....Pando!

Last month, we officially launched the ACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities. We are SO excited about this! And the communities that are part of the handful of ACEs initiatives that are piloting the Cooperative are, too! Before describing the Cooperative, I want to reassure our 40,000+ members and 277 ACEs initiatives (plus another 100 in development) that have communities on ACEs Connection that nothing on changes! Membership is and remains free ! And it will remain...

Shattered Dreams (2019) Film Screening (Meaningful Movies Tacoma)

Join Meaningful Movies Tacoma on January 24th at 6:30PM at the Center for Spiritual Living (206 N "J" Street, Tacoma, WA 98403) for a film screening of the 2019 documentary Shattered Dreams. See below for a synopsis: Reports of sex trafficking continue to grow at alarming rates in all corners of the country, affecting American citizens of every race, gender, age, and socioeconomic class. Experts and law enforcement struggle to combat this underground criminal enterprise as it expands online.

Dr. Melissa Merrick Explains CDC's Vital Signs/ACEs Report [Prevent Child Abuse America]

Dr. Melissa Merrick, president & CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America, provides four key takeaways from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s latest Vital Signs/ACEs report , of which she is the lead author. Merrick also identifies several practical solutions for creating the conditions for safe, stable and nurturing relationships and environments for all children, families and communities, which are fundamental to preventing ACEs. Among these solutions is strengthening economic...

Upcoming screening of Paper Tigers in Tacoma!

Tickets are still available to see the moving documentary, Paper Tigers! The movie will be shown on December 17th at 7:30pm at the Cinemark Point Ruston & XD. Click here to reserve your seat. Event Info Join us for a screening of an amazing documentary that captures insights about the hidden epidemic of childhood trauma plaguing our schools and communities. Watch how one school systematically tackled this very challenging problem by understanding [how] "trauma threatens brain...

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