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Invitation to Webinar on  Building the Movement to Prevent and Heal Climate Traumas and Promote Environmental Justice

This Series is Sponsored by CTIPP, the NPSC, and PACEs Connections
This specific session is coordinated by Bob Doppelt of the International Transformational Resilience Coalition
Building the Movement to Prevent and Heal Climate Traumas and Promote Environmental Justice

Friday April 15, 2022 from 1-4 pm ET

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The accelerating global climate-ecosystem-biodiversity emergency will increasingly disrupt every aspect of society. It is a "wicked" problem, meaning it results from numerous factors that interact in new and surprising ways to defy standard solutions. The pervasive distresses and traumas it generates are also "wicked" problems: they result from multiple forces that often interact non-linearly and will, over time, impact everyone and every community on earth. No single profession, organization, or program can prevent or heal the resulting tsunami of mental health and psycho-social-spiritual problems. We must think and respond through a population lens, not an individual or family focus. Coalitions of local residents, groups, and organizations must come together to plan, implement, and continually improve just and equitable, culturally-accountable, multisystemic strategies that help the entire population--all adults and youth--build their capacity for mental wellness and transformational resilience for relentless adversities. A special emphasis must be placed on disengaged and marginalized groups.

This webinar will include presentations by people engaged in one of the five interrelated foundational areas ITRC research has found must be addressed to build universal capacity to prevent and heal climate traumas: Build robust social connections across boundaries in communities; Create an equitable and just transition to supportive local built/physical, economic, and ecological conditions; Establish universal mental wellness and resilience literacy; Engage residents in specific practices that sustain mental wellness and resilience; and Organize ongoing opportunities for residents to heal their traumas. Actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and adapt to climate impacts, must be integrated into these five focal areas.


1 PM   Denni Fishbein (NPSC) and Jesse Kohler (CTIPP), Opening and Welcome

1:10 Bob Doppelt, Coordinator, International Transformational Resilience Coalition and author of Preventing and Healing Climate Trauma: A Guide to Building Resilience and Hope in Communities (Taylor and Francis Publishing, forthcoming)

1:40     Dr. James Gordon, Executive Director, Center for Mind-Body Medicine

2:00     Daniel Homsey, Director, The San Francisco Neighborhood Empowerment Program

2:20     Resilience Pause

2:30     Jacqui Patterson, Executive Director of the Chisholm Legacy Project

2:50     Howard Lawrence, Coordinator, Abundant Alberta, Canada

3:10   Jerry Tello, Co-Founder and Director of Training and Capacity Building, National Compadres Network

3:30     Jenna Quinn, PACEs Connections

3:50     Bob Doppelt: Actions needed to build population-level capacity for mental wellness and resilience for the climate emergency, and closing thoughts.

4:00 Denni and Jesse, Closing/Next Steps

Breakout Zoom Room Info for After the Session:

Meeting ID: 817 9558 1220

Passcode: 177960

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