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ITRC PNW Transformational Resilience Network

Last Chance to Register for Next Wed. June 7 Webinar on the Landmark Bi-Partisan "Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023"

Go to the ITRC website to register for the June 7, 12 noon-1 pm ET, webinar: Join us to learn why and how the "Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023" will expand the US approach to mental health by using a public health approach in communities to build population mental wellness and resilience for stresses & traumas. Accelerating global temperatures are producing cascading disruptions to the ecological, economic, and social...

Register Now for the June 7 Webinar on the Landmark Bi-Partisan Federal "Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023"

Go to the ITRC website to register for the June 7 webinar: Join us to learn why and how the "Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023" will expand the US approach to mental health by using a public health approach in communities to build population mental wellness and resilience for stresses & traumas. Accelerating global temperatures are producing cascading disruptions to the ecological, economic, and social systems people rely on for basic needs. The...

135 Organizations Praise Introduction of Landmark Bi-Partisan “Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023”

NEWS RELEASE See Quotes Below from Congressional Co-Leads and National Mental Health and Human Service Organizational and Community Leaders The International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC)* and 134 other national, regional, state, and local organizations strongly endorsed the landmark bi-partisan “Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023” (CMWRA) introduced in the House by co-sponsors Representatives Paul Tonko (D-NY), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Don Bacon (R-NE),...

Please Join Over 120 Organizations in Endorsing the Federal "Community Mental Wellness & Resilience Act of 2023"

If your organization has not already endorsed the "Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023" please do so by going to the link on the International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC) website at: The "Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023" will soon be introduced by US Representatives Paul Tonko (D-NY), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and co-sponsors in the House, and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and co-sponsors in the US Senate. Over 120...

ITRC Applauds Senator Ed Markey and Co-Sponsors for Introducing Landmark “Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act”

Over 115 Organizations Have Endorsed the Legislation Which Will Expand US Approach to Mental Health to Engage Communities in Preventing and Healing Climate and Other Traumas The International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC)* today heartily praised the introduction of the “Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act” (CMWRA) by Senator Edward Markey (D-MA) and original co-sponsors Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT). The legislation is a companion bill to...

Natural Disasters are Traumatic: Urge Congress to Support Three Bills to Help Communities Heal

On September 18th, Hurricane Fiona made landfall on Puerto Rico, bringing massive rainfall, killing more than 30 people, and leaving 1.18 million people without power. Ten days later, Hurricane Ian hit Florida, killing over 100 people and displacing thousands whose homes were destroyed. The Mosquito Fire, which began in California on September 8th, is still active. So far, it has burned 80 thousand acres of land, evacuating 11,000 people and burning and damaging nearly 100 buildings. In...

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