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Public Libraries Innovate to Serve Vulnerable Populations on the Front Lines of COVID-19 (Urban Libraries Council)

May 26, 2020, Urban Libraries Council Newsroom Blog. Public libraries across the U.S. and Canada are taking bold and innovative measures to mitigate the inequitable impact of COVID-19 on children, low-income families, communities of color, people experiencing homelessness and other high-risk populations. Through dynamic partnerships with local government, new digital service models, reimagined library spaces and other innovative approaches, these new efforts reflect a rapid evolution of the...

Self-care leadership

Join the SELF-Leadership Cohort Your inner-state makes all the difference, as a care provider and/or leader. We are in a time of disruptive change that has us challenged and facing higher stress loads. We can turn to the N.E.A.R. Sciences to help us upgrade our practices for navigating change (N.E.A.R. = Neuroscience, Epigenetics, ACEs, and Resilience). Are you ready for new strategies and self-care practices? Join the six-week SELF-Leadership Cohort . The cohort launches June 9 th with...

Public Libraries’ Novel Response to a Novel Virus (The Atlantic)

By Deborah Fallows, March 31, 2020, Atlantic America’s public libraries have led the ranks of “ second responders ,” stepping up for their communities in times of natural or manmade disasters, like hurricanes, floods, shootings, fires, and big downturns in individual lives. Throughout all these events, libraries have stayed open, filling in for the kids when their schools closed; offering therapeutic sessions in art or conversation or writing after losses of life; bringing in nurses or...

Free Drop-In Wellness Group for Teens March 5, 2020 (Grades 7-12) (SAY Sonoma Co CA)

Teen (Grades 7-12) About this Event Are you looking for new ways to look at challenges? More positive ways to express yourself? Interested in learning about healthy coping skills? Social Advocates for Youth will host a series of 1-hour drop-in groups once a week for teens ages 12-19. We'll focus on supporting mental wellness and healthy ways to cope with challenges. Come make art and share, or just listen. All teens welcome. Please sign up online or drop-in to check it out . Ask at the...

ACEs Connection, our Cooperative of Communities, and....Pando!

Last month, we officially launched the ACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities. We are SO excited about this! And the communities that are part of the handful of ACEs initiatives that are piloting the Cooperative are, too! Before describing the Cooperative, I want to reassure our 40,000+ members and 277 ACEs initiatives (plus another 100 in development) that have communities on ACEs Connection that nothing on changes! Membership is and remains free ! And it will remain...

WEBINAR: Public Libraries: Vital Partners in Family Engagement

DATE: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 TIME: 11am-1pm PST Public libraries are accessible, offering diverse, intergenerational programming, and serving families from low-income homes at a high rate compared to other community providers. In this webinar, the Public Library Association, a division of the American Library Association, will enlighten new and experienced early childhood program staff, parents, and others about the potential of public libraries to act as learning spaces and connect...

New Library Art Exhibit Makes Hope Visible

By Brian Hero, February 4, 2020, CSUSM Alessandra Colfi is an expressive arts therapist who worked with patients at the San Diego Cancer Research Institute. She also is a practicing Buddhist fascinated with Eastern culture. So, one day about eight years ago, Colfi stumbled upon the idea of borrowing the concept of the Tibetan prayer flag – a colorful rectangular cloth often found strung among trails and peaks high in the Himalayas – and incorporating it into her sessions with cancer...

Interview: Mindful Movement series at Sioux City Public Library (KCAU)

KCAU Staff SIOUX CITY, Iowa (KCAU) – Kelsey Patterson from the Sioux City Public Library and Erin Kuehl from Evolve Yoga and Wellness stopped by the KCAU 9 Studios on Monday night to talk about Mindful Movement series. The Sioux City Public Library first began the Mindful Movement series in the fall of 2019, exploring it as a movement-based program to promote physical literacy and community health. [ Please click here to read the full story. ]

Glen Cove Public Library offering social work services (Newsday)

Long Island More than 20 local libraries across Long Island offer part-time social-work service, according to administrators. On Jan. 17, the Glen Cove Library talked about its new program, where a social work intern from Stony Brook University's master's program will be at the library once a week to help people with issues that go beyond typical library services. (Credit: Barry Sloan). [ Please click here to read the full story. ]

Prison reentry program to launch at Paterson library this month (

By Joe Malinconico, January 8, 2020, Paterson Press By the end of this month, library officials plan to begin offering prison reentry services at their main branch on Broadway after a discussion about community concerns at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. The “Fresh Start@Your Library” program, funded through a federal grant, would include classes to help dropouts get their high school diplomas, social workers providing job services, and referrals to social service agencies. “The word is...

Native American Voting Rights and the Citizenship Question (Central Santa Rosa Library)

Plan to attend! January 25, 2020, from 2:00 to 3:30 pm Central Santa Rosa Library 211 E Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Hosted by: Sonoma County History Genealogy Library Please join us for a presentation by Dr. Khal Schneider, who will discuss voting rights within the context of the Native American experience. Dr. Schneider is a Sacramento State University assistant professor of history. He teaches Native American History and writes about Indian policy and politics and California Indian...

LGBTQ programming, outside-the-box outreach, and trauma sensitivity (American Libraries)

By Terra Dankowski, Nov 4, 2019, American Libraries I had no agenda, no plan, but doing something made sense to me,” said Melinda Mathis, teen services librarian for Napa County (Calif.) Library (NCL), on approaching local nonprofit LGBTQ Connection to collaborate on a partnership with the library. Mathis, a presenter at “Adventures in LGBTQ Advocacy and Programming” at the Young Adult Library Services Association’s (YALSA) Symposium on November 2 in Memphis, Tennessee, had her hunch...

Toward a Trauma-Informed Model Learn to ask “What happened?”—not “What’s wrong?” (American Libraries)

By Anne Ford, June 3, 2019. Intent on finding a safe place to spend the day, the elderly woman trudged into the public library, burdened with several bags of precious possessions. She was immediately greeted by the sight of a library worker thrusting out a hand and snapping, “No, you can’t bring those things in here.” “She said she felt like she was being struck,” explains Caroline Sharkey. A licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) on the faculty of the University of Georgia’s School of...

Where Healing Happens: Librarians Adopt Trauma-Informed Practices To Help Kids (School Library Journal)

By Kelley R. Taylor, Oct 9, 2019, Filed in News and Features SLJ A double homicide spurred Janet Damon, then an elementary school librarian, to begin offering whole-child support in the library, focusing on health in partnership with learning. “Our students had to walk past the crime scene, which was a car parked near our playground, right next to the bus stop,” she says. That was more than 10 years ago, but Damon, currently a library services specialist for Denver Public Schools, points to...

Reading Native family stories 'like mine' (Indian Country Today)

HarperCollins launches Heartdrum to better portray Native characters and stories HarperCollins Children’s Books recently tapped Smith to lead Heartdrum, a new imprint set to launch in early 2021 emphasizing contemporary Native characters and genre fiction. She’ll work with editor Rosemary Brosnan to publish a variety of picture books, chapter books and young adult titles from Native authors. Tribal presses and small publishers have focused on Native children’s books in the past, but Smith...

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