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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesWashington State ACEs Action (WA)

Washington State ACEs Action (WA)

A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.


Your input needed! Survey, focus group, interview - your choice!

Hello, I am reaching out to you as someone who has registered for an Essentials for Childhood ACEs and Resilience Community of Practice gathering in the past three years. We would like your help so we can provide the best support and build resilience in local communities and set the future direction for the Community of Practice . There are three ways you can provide input: Take and share the survey! Sign up now to join one of the 2...

Unlearning Ableism for Educators - free, interactive workshop

Back by popular demand! I am excited to share the registration for a special edition August workshop! Register here: Image description: A black background with bright yellow text says Free, Interactive Workshop August 18, 2021 | 3:30PM PT/6:30PM ET Unlearning Ableism for Educators Register The workshop is scheduled for 2 hours with a brief break included and will be recorded. A copy of the recording and slides will be sent out to all registered...

(Now with STARS hours!) RISE: Navigating individual and collective wellness, advocacy, and change

Excited to announce that attendees of the July Rise to Resilience workshop will now be eligible to receive STARS credit in WA state! This is a great opportunity for ECEAP staff who need hours each year. All participants are eligible to receive a certificate of completion. Register and find more details: You can find more information about Rise to Resilience by clicking here , or follow on Facebook , and Instagram . Image description: A tan background. On the left is a...

Unlearning Ableism for Educators - free, interactive workshop

Registration for the June Rise to Resilience workshop Unlearning Ableism for Educators is now available! In this workshop, we will dive into what ableism is, how it manifests within classrooms and the education system, and identify ways to challenge ableism in our practices. Register here: You can watch past workshop recordings by clicking here and learn more about Rise to Resilience on the website Image Description: A light pink background with...

Apply Now for Free Vroom Materials and Assistance and Get Started Brain Building

The Washington State Department of Health, Essentials for Childhood Program is offering free “starter sets” of Vroom TM print materials and technical assistance on how to use Vroom . This is suitable for any organization that serves or reaches families of young children (from prenatal through age five) in Washington State, even if early learning isn’t your primary focus. Vroom Materials are intended to raise awareness about the importance of brain building and the simplicity and fun of...

RISE: Navigating individual and collective wellness, advocacy, and change

Join Melissa McPheeters of Rise to Resilience with special guest and parent, Janise Cross, for this interactive workshop! Click here to register! Schedule: During this 3-hour interactive workshop, Melissa and Janise will facilitate a presentation, time for personal reflection, and voluntary activities to solidify learning and growth among participants. Two fifteen minute breaks are provided. There is no expectation that you have your camera to participate. We encourage you to show up in...

Trauma-Informed Care for School Leaders: A Free, Interactive Workshop

The Rise to Resilience May workshop registration is now available! Our topic is Trauma-Informed Care for School Leaders. In this workshop, learn how to integrate practices of trauma-informed care within policy and practice as school leaders. Click here to register! You can join the Rise to Resilience Community Group on Facebook and help select future topics! Follow the page on Facebook and Instagram . Image Description: A blue-green background with flowers and leaves in a border on the right...

American Psychologist Special Issue: Adverse Childhood Experiences: Translating Research to Action []

The American Psychological Association has published a special issue focusing on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In this special issue you will find a variety of articles addressing ACEs and the impact they have on us from biology to policy. From the American Psychological Association, " The goal of this special issue is to publish articles that encompass the range of work being conducted in research, practice, programs, and policy in psychology and allied disciplines. This emphasis is...

Moving beyond “Paper Tigers” to a science of hope: Q & A with CRI's Rick Griffin

Rick Griffin knows a lot about hope – how to understand it, instill it, develop it. Griffin is the director of training and curriculum development for the non-profit Community Resilience Initiative (CRI) in Walla Walla, Washington. Walla Walla’s Lincoln High was the subject of a 2015 film, “Paper Tigers,” by the late Jamie Redford, about how the school principal, Jim Sporleder, adopted an ACEs-informed approach that positively transformed the school as well as the surrounding community.

Seeking Executive Director for Children's Mental Health Organization

Are you a leader who is passionate about supporting a team of professionals that help transform the lives of children and families? Jumping Mouse Children’s Center offers unparalleled support to our staff, health benefits, and opportunities for professional growth. We pride ourselves on carrying reasonable caseloads to encourage a personal/work life balance. About Jumping Mouse: Located in Port Townsend, Washington, Jumping Mouse Children’s Center is a nonprofit founded in 1999 to address...

Share a Story to help Strengthen Families!

How are you coping? Challenges? Insights? Knowing your perspective gives county and state leaders valuable information to study and act on. Join parents, volunteers, community agencies, schools, tribes, and the Department of Children, Youth and Families to Strengthen Families Locally . This project hopes to increase family and community resilience and prevent child maltreatment and removal in 4 communities, including Bremerton, Port Angeles/Sequim, Spokane, and Stevens/Ferry. Sharing a story...

Alfred White and Dr. Veronique Mead on TLOEP's Sunday Night's Real Talk!

"We're a nation that needs hope and healing" - Alfred White Are you someone who has experienced adversity in your life such as addiction, chronic stress, homelessness, incarceration, or other trauma? On March 28th, listen in on a Conversation with Dr. Veronique Mead on Sunday Nights with Alfred White: Real Talk Health and Wellness for the BIPOC Community. Dr. Mead is the founder of Chronic Illness Trauma Studies and her work has been life-saving for Alfred's health. Join us on TLOEP's...

New Online Workshop - Trauma-Responsive School Transition

Register ASAP for a new Sound Discipline online workshop A Trauma-Responsive School Transition, Tuesday, March 30, 4-6pm. As educators prepare to return to school buildings for hybrid and in-person learning, there are going to be a lot of rules and structures in place for safety. Within the context of important safety protocols and regulations, we want young people to know they belong and matter in our schools. There are important questions to pause and ask ourselves: How do you build...

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