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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesWashington State ACEs Action (WA)

Washington State ACEs Action (WA)

A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.

Participants needed

Hello everyone! I am still in need of more participants for my dissertation research study on the topic of ACEs and leadership.

To meet the study criteria, you must be at least 18 years old, located in the Pacific Northwest, and currently be in a leadership position, holding the title of supervisor, chair, manager, dean, director, CEO, provost, or president.

If you meet the criteria and are willing to participate, please email me at

The study will include two short online questionnaires, taking only 30-40 minutes to complete in total. Participants will be protected, and all information gathered will be kept completely confidential.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to help! Your time and consideration are greatly appreciated.

For more information about the study, please refer to my last blog post or watch the video presentation attached.


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