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I tried to share the "Alberta Family Wellness Institute changes minds by Informing Canadians about effects of toxic stress on kids' brains" article with colleagues at the (Canadian) Evidence Exchange Network (EENET), and the post seems to have been withdrawn from the Anyone tell me what happened, or if I did something wrong-trying to share this post. I managed to print a copy of the article (by Jane Stevens). Thank You for your help.

Original Post

Here you go, Bob --


It's also on ACEs Too High, and will be easier to find there --


Actually, I didn't write the story. Anndee Hochman did. She'll be replacing the one on ACEs Connection that's under my name with one that's under her name (unfortunately, we can't change "bylines" on a blog post), so please send your friends the version from ACEs Too High, as that one shows her as the author.


Thanks, Bob!

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