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I am creating a program to increase family resilience, reduce ACEs, and increase healthy attachment in families with children enrolled at an early childhood education center that serves predominantly low income/at risk families (Mainsprings Schools, in Austin TX). We are dedicated to a two-gen approach in supporting the families we serve.  The new program will serve families prenatally through the two years of the child's life (mainly focusing on prenatal and the first year).

Though I am very early in the program development phase, I anticipate the program being a combination of psychoeducation, individual therapy, and group therapy/support groups as well as resource referrals to ensure all basic needs of the family are met.  Once this program proves effective, we will share the program with any interested parties as our goal is to positively influence as many families as possible.

I have searched for similar programs/centers to ours and have not been able to find any (internet searches mostly lead to daycare advertisements). Please let me know if you are aware of [or even better: a part of] a similar program. I would love to be able to discuss what has worked and what did not work for you/the program.

Thank you for your time!

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We used “Tools of the Mind” with additional monthly evening groups for parents focusing on their own experiences of ACEs and the impact on their children. Our goal was to help the kids with their social and emotional well being snd build executive functioning skills. Goal with parents was to educate, support and help to prevent and mediate the impactsvof ACEs on the next generation.  Good luck. I think that you are on the right path!

Good Morning @Sarina Jones, LMSW! I am the Director of Infant & Toddler Mental Health at the Early Care & Learning Council, a membership organization in NYS that strives to serve and support the early care and education community. We have two projects that we are supporting and/or providing that may be of interest in your research:

  • Infant and Toddler Mental Health Consultation - a collaborative mental health service, specifically focusing on caregivers serving children 0-36 months of age, to build the reflective capacity and thus better support the social emotional development of children in their care, building better relationships between child care settings and families, and hopefully disrupting the preschool-prison pipeline.
  • "ACEs Institute" - we have collaborated with some community partners to develop and deliver a training curriculum for early care and education providers about adverse childhood experiences.

I would be happy to connect to share and learn more about your work and research! You can also find more information: and .

You may also find interest in the work of Prevent Child Abuse, NY, who facilitates the "Protective Factors" curriculum within our state! - https://www.preventchildabusen...arn-about-prevention

Again - happy to be a resource, please let me know if I can be of any help!

Some ECE sites are using our program Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience with both staff and parents. It is a psychoeducational program that does not need to be facilitated by a clinician. Based on the latest research and neuroscience it helps people self-soothe, build compassion for the "hijacked brain (ie ACES), and then develop skills and habits that build resilience and result in healing.

Healthy Families America asked us to adapt it for home visiting settings, which we have done. It can either be used in groups or with individuals in 12 hour long lessons or twenty one 20 minute sessions.

Happy to send you an free online review copy because it's worthwhile to take a look see.


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