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If you look up SAMHSA ReCAST these are 20 one million dollar grants to promote resilience. A lot of the lead entities had to be cities and at least in St. Louis the city is working through their public health department. 

In Kansas City, Missouri the city public health department is doing a violence prevention thing with the COMBAT grants and they do resilience stuff with that.

Last edited by Jane Stevens

Hi Adrienne, 

At the Center for Health Care Strategies we work closely with the team at the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) that is leading the department's Trauma-Informed Systems initiative. We actually have a national webinar coming up that will feature the work of SFDPH that might be of interest to you and your colleagues. More information about the webinar and how to register can be found here

In addition, SAMHSA recently released a profile on SFDPH's work. You can find that profile here


Last edited by Meryl Schulman

Hi Adrienne,
Sonoma County CA is working at multiple levels through their Department of Health Services - including adding ACEs language to the Board of Supervisors legislative platform, framing ACES as precursors to Maternal Child Adolescent Health priorities (maternal mental health, perinatal substance use, obesity, etc.),  they adapted their logic model for public health home visiting to acknowledge ACEs as a root cause of many of the issues they address, they've partnered with a family medicine residency program to bring this information to residents and eventually embedded into their curriculum - etc.  

Feel free to join the Sonoma County ACES Connection community so you can learn more.  You may want to contact Holly White Wolfe - who has been leading this effort for some time.  I am sure she'd be happy to connect!  

Karen Clemmer 

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