I am looking for a book/article/website/etc recommendation that helps explains how trauma impacts the body from a biological, biochemistry perspective. I am looking for specifically information on how cortisol/stress impacts changes in other hormones (thyroid, estrogen, etc) and the direct physical impact that this has on the body. Thanks.
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High on my list is
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by
Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD
Neurologist Dr Robert Scaer's book The Trauma Spectrum might cover this.
Natalie Burke's TED talk is a great sum up:: https://www.ted.com/talks/nadi...lifetime?language=en
Why zebras donât get ulcers by Robert salposky
Lots of great info here in a variety of formats for many topics: https://developingchild.harvar...rcetag/toxic-stress/
Free ebook downloads here of many related topics: https://chronicillnesstraumast...ection-ebook-series/
Thanks for the reference to my free ebooks on my Chronic Illness and Trauma Studies blog Melissa - They all focus on trauma although none of them go into deep specifics of physiology / hormones.
I do have a list of my favorite books on trauma that I find relevant to chronic illness, although most don't specifically address the question of trauma and physiology either. The list can be downloaded for free.
Another possible source is Dr. Robert Naviaux' free journal articles on the Cell Danger Response (CDR), which is a nice way to think about the effects of trauma at the mitochondrial level. I have a blog post on the CDR and links to his articles, such as this one from 2018.
Hope that helps!
Dr Gabor Mate In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addictions discusses the ACEs studies, and the book speaks of the physiology or mind-body connection. Dr Mate's When the Body Says No explores the cost of hidden stress (which can be referred to the ACEs toxic stress). I also recommend Dr Nadine Burke Harris' book The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity. She discusses the biochemical reactions/interactions which include the endocrine system and related hormones.
Donna Jackson Nakazawa's book, Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology and How You Can Heal.
There are other books in our books section. https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io/g/books
Building Resilience to Trauma: The trauma and community resiliency models by Elaine Miller-Karas is a great book as well. I found this one when I attended the Action to Access ACEs Conference.