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I will begin a project in January, creating a landscape scan of available funding, if and how the funding is being used, and how the geography of the funding compares to any geographic ACES data we can get our hands on... and ANY feedback or suggestions you have for me are very welcome! The first layer is available funding at each level (Fed, state, county, municipal, local); the second layer is fund recipients at each level; the third layer is ACEs data in the geographic territory (New York). The end result should be an interactive map that shows how well funding and use of funding overlays areas of high ACEs reporting. My Christmas stocking is hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that you will stuff it full of great ideas for unearthing available funding, utilization of funding and tapping into groundlevel ACEs data collection!

Happy Holidays.

Original Post

Hi Sandra,

I appreciated your proactive approach to  plan a project that scans through mapping funding avenues and opportunities. Visibility is so valuable for making connections- specifically if connections through funding promote networks. Having networks increases the way connections and communication channels expand and grow. In Australia, there are unregulated community spaces to help people on bail re engage with society but they lack resources, specialists and care systems. Landscape scan of existing and possible future updates to address geographically determined ‘hotspots’ would help build capability in individuals and greater awareness of issues that ACEs datasets and foundation knowledge can bridge. There are many people in places doing empowering work are are working in a myriad of settings. How to bring the key professionals and or resilience in community wisdom together in a meaningful way is a timely project.

The resources available and the demand for need will be more evident as a landscape of opportunity matches stakeholders and highlights methods for engagement.

Keep well, go strongly in your pursuits and project.

Kind regards,


Here is an Australian context and example of poor funding, no regulation and zero accountability in the levels of governance required to support social infrastructure.;utm_content=mail

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