Hello Angel,
Great to see you on ACEs Connection! Let's find a time to map out which of your geographic areas are ready to set up communities on ACEs Connection! I will reach out to you directly regarding any next steps.
*ACEs Connection staff support folks across the nation and even internationally. Please reach out for any assistance!
The text below is copied from Start Your ACEs Initiative on ACEs Connection.) *This information can be found on our home page - just look for this graphic and then click on Start or Grow Your ACEs Initiative. Scroll down a bit more to find the AC staff who supports your geographic area!
Here is a sample of what you will find when you open Start Your ACEs Initiative: 
Community ACEs initiatives are often launched by a small group of enthusiastic people who make time to meet monthly, who begin to incorporate this work into their job descriptions or their volunteer efforts, and who drive the initial effort. These folks usually form the Steering Committee. Here is a sample agenda for Steering Committee meetings. The Steering Committee plans large community meetings (more on those below), and creates subcommittees or workgroups organized around outreach, communications, or data. Workgroups can also be organized around a sector such as education, health, business, etc. These workgroups recruit community members to continue to grow the initiative and to replace members as they cycle off. Members can represent organizations or themselves as engaged individuals.
A community can be a neighborhood, town, city, county, region, state or nation.