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N45.02.346, W083.28.609 Elev. 642
On the shore of Lake Huron, where at sunrise,
there is no doubt that God is in charge
Alicia, I looked at the article and can contact the folks in the ACEs too High article (they might know who screens for ACEs in child welfare at other ages than young teens and young woman - I really wanted to be able to see how the ACE screen can be used for all age groups), but I was wondering --- I put this up in ACEs in foster care. I tried to chase down the authors -- thinking they must know where the data came from as it is from the department of children and families. I am wondering if maybe Elizabeth Prewitt would be able to help me figure out who collected the data so I can ask how? I can see their methodology in the report but that doesn't give me any idea of the actual way the collectors went about their collection.
would you mind asking Elizabeth? the brief is from 2013 -- but I just could not figure out how to track down the folks who collected the data. but obviously someone did. This is as far as I can get....
Thank so much, Tina
For sure. Elizabeth should get back to you shortly Tina.
Hi Alicia and Tina, I'll look into this shortly and be back to you. I need to do a little research. Elizabeth
Tina, I tracked this information down from the Office of Policy, Research, and Evaluation in the Office of Administration for Children and Families. Let me know if it is helpful and if you need anything else. Elizabeth
Information about the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being related to the ACES brief from the study.
Also see the home page for NSCAW, where you should be able to link into all the published reports of the Office of Policy, Research & Evaluation of the Administration for Children and Families:
Hi Tina,
In my current role at the Chadwick Center, we are working with 5 child welfare jurisdictions across the country, including CA, FL, MN, OK, and RI. While there has been discussion about screening for ACEs, and implementing trauma screenings in general, I am not aware of any system (at least in our project) that has implemented ACE screening across the board. I have heard about individual workers in MN and OK who have used the ACE screen as a way to gather information from parents about their own trauma histories, as well as their child/children, however, this is not a system wide practice. The workers I have talked to have reported that it has helped with engagement and creating a dialogue between them and the parents about how their own trauma history may be impacting their parenting. I think it's a fascinating idea, and as more and more systems begin to implement other evidence-based trauma screeners, I think ACEs will probably get more attention as a result.
Hope this helps! Jen