Study after study shows that early attachment is compromised for many children. Just recently research showed attachment is compromised in 40% of children. We know an ambivalent attachment can cause problems with regulation and the capacity for pleasure, as well as a myriad of other health problems. What can we do? Support parents to develop deeper connection with their children. Promote parenting beyond punishment.
Please share our FREE month-long event with your community and give parents the support they need!

Getting the Support You Need
If you're ready to stop spanking, yelling or using other punitive techniques with your child, if you're struggling to discipline your children peacefully, or simply want to take your parenting journey deeper, you are in the right place!
Parenting Beyond Punishment is collaborating with over 25 peaceful, gentle parenting experts to create a FREE month-long event aimed to empower you with real-life tools so you can guide your children and set boundaries without being punitive.
Throughout April you’ll receive daily emails with podcasts, videos, blog posts and other tools to guide you as you learn such things as…
Identifying your triggers and releasing anger
Alternatives to yelling and spanking
Setting limits
Healing the parent-child relationship
Do you think you could go a week? A month? A year without spanking? Could you give up spanking altogether? Many parents spank out of frustration several times a week, even smacking or slapping every day. You are not alone in the struggle to keep your cool and find alternatives.
Join us in the nospankchallenge and follow along as we support each other:
REGISTER for the event.
Share with your friends. If you chronicle your journey on your blog, post your article to our FACEBOOK.
Ask for support! We know that every child and parent is unique. Different approaches work better than others, depending on a child’s temperament and developmental needs. What works best for you, and where are you having difficulty?