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Hello, I'm a DV advocate and have many clients that have TMJ. Bruxism. Gingivitis, broken or missing teeth from trauma.  Dental insurance rarely covers most of the treatment, exams, x-rays, appliances . This seems to be a problem with the coding and the care being called medical or dental. I am wondering if any of you reading this has encountered clients needing care by a dentist.  A nightguard  is one basic appliance that is too costly to pay out of pocket for most of my clients.

Thank you,



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The rarely cover dental treatment. In CA. first the Victims Compensation Fund has to have money in the fund, which is often a problem. With the Victim Compensation DV cases I have worked with, if the request if for something the fund provides, the victim needs to pay for the requested reimbursement first.  The next step it to wait until funds are in the FUND.  

It seems that the medical side of insurance would need to justify medical work done by a dentist 

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