Hello All,
I live in South King County and I would be interested in developing a Therapeutic Group to discuss ACE's Science topics.
Please feel free to let me know and see if you have any interested friends.
Hello All,
I live in South King County and I would be interested in developing a Therapeutic Group to discuss ACE's Science topics.
Please feel free to let me know and see if you have any interested friends.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
I have been interested in ACEs science from a Sociological standpoint. I am retired but I have been presenting ACEs for college sociology students and community groups.
Although I am far away please keep me informed of your activities.
Dennis, Thank you!
I could use your insight Sir..my email is alfred_wht@yahoo.com
Hi Alfred,
I know I am seeing this after replying to your comment on the other post. If you'd like to chat about some of those organizations I mentioned, or I can try to connect you to them, please feel free to reach out. mmcpheeters@fpschools.org or 253-298-4693. The WA ACEs Connection group might be a great place to start with over 200 members: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io...on-state-ace-s-group
Awesome; I just printed this email out and when is it a good time to call? Thx.alfred
Alfred White posted:Awesome; I just printed this email out and when is it a good time to call? Thx.alfred
I will be in the office for the next 2 hours or so; otherwise feel free to email me and we can set up a time to chat!
I did call you yesterday and left a message...you can call me.Thx
Wonderful idea - but with reservations.
Such group blogs and chats often have a high noise to substance ratio, and quality participants often do not see the time invested in such efforts at community building worthwhile when that community is not directly affiliated to a professional hard-science organization. This said - it is laudable to seek to build community and spread the science beyond ivory towers - and provide a venue where bold ideas can be vetted without undue criticism.
Hence my original statement to it being a wonderful idea - with fingers-crossed.
I continue to present ACEs science to groups. My latest is my town's community diversity group. I showed them the "England and Wales" YouTube and presented the my ACEs for college students booklet.
Has anyone looked at Craig McEwen's recent post. He is a emeritus sociologist.
Dennis (and all) - Craig, a member here on ACEs Connection, has graciously made his article freely accessible until July 1. An important read!