Hi there,
we are a small grass roots BCR...we have been gaining some momentum and our local judge from the youth mental court has invited us to come present on ACEs and buffers to the newly formed youth mental health court (20 min.)
thank you so much!
Michele Callaghan, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Hi there,
we are a small grass roots BCR...we have been gaining some momentum and our local judge from the youth mental court has invited us to come present on ACEs and buffers to the newly formed youth mental health court (20 min.)
thank you so much!
Michele Callaghan, Sault Ste. Marie, MI
I graduated Summa Cum Laude from LSSU... And Iâve been talking about ACEs & trauma for a long time. I know Jeff Peterman - well for Jeff itâs been a long time but we went to school (LSSU and UMich) together. Awesome to see some interest from the Sault. Is there a way they would let some of this be done via one of the web platforms?
The best buffer is Neurofeedback. Itâs not enough to have 1 safe and stable person for those severely traumatized kids who were traumatized at the hands of their parents because we canât accept human attachment appropriately - we are scared to death of people, even people who are good to us which is why 1 safe and stable person could take a very, very, very long time to be helpful (and we end up looking like jerks and feeling like jerks because we avoid people like the plague even people who are nice to us because human interaction is massively aversive because of how much people damaged us and our ability to trust) or completely filled with rage at the people & systems who let us down or most likely both. Iâm talking about the most severely affected kids and those are going to be the kids in the mental health court but some will be highly perfectionistic, compulsively compliant kids who are doing great in school or at least not getting in trouble but are associated with child welfare/foster care or maybe just have CPS case reports but those kids are off the charts at risk for suicide. This is a really great book too.

Cathy would be great too.