Hi Jamie
I am a Training Coordinator at the Center on Violence Against Women and Children at Rutgers University. We have a multi-session online professional development program that has been developed for child welfare professionals and is offered through our Virtual Academy. The broad goal of the program is to look at the overlap of violence against women, child welfare, and specific intersecting topic areas to encourage trauma informed practice. The programming has also been used in person with court personnel so is adaptable or can be modified to meet varied needs.
Currently we have 5 courses available for enrollment and are continuously rolling out the rest over the next 12 months. The sessions are self-paced online learning courses which run about 3-5 hours. I know that you mentioned substance abuse specifically--this course is currently under development and is slated to be ready in the next 3 months. The roll out schedule for all of the courses is below.
Current Courses are:
- Understanding Violence Against Women
- Screening, Assessment, & Basic Interventions
- Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
- Economic Empowerment with Survivors
- Diverse Populations
Rolling out in the next 1-3 months:
- Mental Health
- Substance Abuse
Rolling out in the next 3-6 months:
- Understanding Perpetration
- Legal Responses
- Ethical Issues and Values
- Middle and High School Populations
These courses are also part of our professional certificate in violence against women which can be earned by taking 10 total courses (5 required and 5 electives). Courses are also approved for Social Work CEH credits (which may vary by state)if this is something you may be interested in too.
If you'd like more information please feel free to reach me at training@ssw.rutgers.edu or check out our web page here: https://socialwork.rutgers.edu...rofessional-training
I know it's not an exact match but do hope this helps 