Have decided to cast my net a bit further attempting to find a Master Train the Trainer Program. Are there any trainings going on in Northern California, around LA. Or, perhaps the Eugene/Portland area? All of this is in addition to training that might be happening in the Midwest (Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa)? What about Omaha? Thanks.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
The train-the-trainer program is in such high-demand! My partner, @Lori Chelius and I offer a Basics training on the foundational concepts needed to practice with Trauma Informed and Resilience in mind. The train-the-trainer model will most likely be ready to roll out later this year. Having communities be introduced to how toxic stress affects all of us is the foundation to being able to integrate practical tools into communities. We would love to talk more with you about your needs. It's clear that we share a vision of creating a more peaceful world.
I am trying to find out about any recognized certification for trauma "specialist". I have been asked repeatedly if I am "certified" but I don't know what that means in this field right now. I find certificates for professional areas (therapists, doctors) but only one for those of us who work with traumatized people (Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists). Any one can claim they have a certificate, or grant a certificate, but there is no oversight that I can see. New field! Old issues? What is ACESConnection doing? Who is attending to this?
Great question! You are right that there is limited certification for non-clinical professionals. As I mentioned above, Origins is working to create some standardization in the field to insure that accurate and quality information is being taught. It's not just clinical and professional workers who need this stuff! Keep an eye out in the next month or so for news about Certification programs for Non-clinical workers though our company. We are attending to the lack of checks and balances and are wanting to expand and collaborate to create a cohesive message. Feel free to connect with me for more info and thank you for your passion!
HI Elaine
Check out Trauma Transformed
I don't know if they "certify" people, but I've seen some language about that in their program description.
I'm not affiliated with them in any way, so I'm not 100% sure, just wanted to try to help you out.
Hi Elaine!
We offer a one-day Working with Childhood Trauma training and a Part II for people who want to go deeper into the science and practice of being trauma and resiliency informed. Our Training of Trainers for parent educators (we have a trauma-informed parenting curriculum) will happen next fall (2018). The Training of Trainers in our professional development curriculum will happen early 2019. I know that sounds a long way out, but we are also working simultaneously to put all our trainings online. Feel free to browse our programs at echoparenting.org.
BTW, we love and respect Andi, so anything she offers would be a good alternative too!
I conduct training for social workers, behavioral health, and correctional officers across the state. I regularly lecture a UC Merced, Cal Poly SLO, Cal State Stanislaus, and other colleges.
Additionally I conduct faith-based trainings for churches, rescue missions and ministries across the US and Africa.
October 12 & 13 I will conduct training for ministry leaders, and Oct 13 & 14 for laymen.
I have BUILDING HEALTHY LIFE SKILLS (a non- faith curriculum) and OVERCOMING A DIFFICULT CHILDHOOD (a faith-based CURRICULUM) both of which demonstrate evidence-based effectiveness.
Check my website www.aceovercomers.org or call me at 209-617-4688.
Hi Elaine!
i am currently enrolled in a three year intensive certificate training program known as "somatic experiencing." When I finish it, I will be more equipped than I am now to provide high quality training on the impact AND remedying of trauma. You may want to check it out. Also, the JRI institute in Brookline, MA also offers a nine month certificate in trauma studies (Bessel Van Der Kolk's Institute). That's a worthy and highly regarded institute of training. Lots of people "claim" to have trauma expertise, but trauma studies is a broad area, with research emerging daily, and I believe people need a robust history of working with a traumatized population in addition to formal trauma training to really come close to that claim.
An extremely impactful training!
Trauma informed Urban Youth Culture Competency & Engagement training
San Diego State University Cohort Graduation/Testimony
Elaine Spicer posted:Have decided to cast my net a bit further attempting to find a Master Train the Trainer Program. Are there any trainings going on in Northern California, around LA. Or, perhaps the Eugene/Portland area? All of this is in addition to training that might be happening in the Midwest (Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Iowa)? What about Omaha? Thanks.
We have been using SAMHSA's Trauma Informed Approach: Key Principles and Assumptions Course since 2015 and have trained over 1,500 professionals in East TN. In June 2016 we started forming a Trauma Informed System of Care that now include our Children's Hospital, St. Jude's Research Clinic, Police Department, Public Schools, Public Library, three departments at East TN State University, Family Justice Center, Boys & Girls Club, Safe Families, Frontier Health and more. With this course, that was provided to us by Dr. Joan Gillece, Director of SAMHSA's National Center of Trauma Informed Care, we not only are training the community about ACEs and becoming Trauma-Informed but this course provides a "self-inventory" of sorts to lead agencies through as they implement these practices. I wondered how to get "certified" and ask Dr. Gillece who said once they sent us the course to consider ourselves trained! We have such a great demand for this training we now created a "Trainer version" and have taught it twice so we have 79 professionals who can do the training now within their own organizations. Since we do all this with no (or a minuscule) budget (I direct Crime Prevention Programs for the Johnson City Police Department and partner with Dr. Andi Clements who is a tenured psychology professor at ETSU) we have found this is a very practical approach...and better yet it seems to be working! I was selected last March in a national search of the SAMHSA Gains Center to find and equip trainer on their new course, "Trauma Informed Education Improving Criminal Justice Outcomes." My certification for this two-day training in Albany consists of a certificate hanging on my wall but I am listed with SAMHSA as only 12 individuals in the state of TN trained on this material. We have found such an openness in our community for the message as we now are training our city leaders, physicians, mental health professionals and no one seems to ask about "certification" because they are so engaged the movement! If I can help in any way you can contact me at bhaas@johnsoncitytn.org We have someone coming in October from Nashville who posted on ACEs that "we know about trauma and ACEs but who out there know's how to make it work in your systems?" I replied along with 43 others and he and I have now connected and he's coming here for training to take it back to Nashville and create a Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice System.
We are developing several training modules for Trauma Informed Practices for early childhood providers including a training of trainer and training of coach program through WestEd. For more information contact jkurtz@wested.org
I, too, am looking for some sort of certification or even a certificate of completion program for EDUCATORS. I've attended many webinars and study groups but would love to pursue this further and receive a certificate that means something to school districts around the nation.
I teach grades 6-12 in a 90-day drug and alcohol rehab program. We have counselors through the facility, but I wish to add to my "toolbox" of useful ways when working with traumatized adolescents.
I'll check out the above, but please let me know if there is anything online for teachers.
We have many educators attend the SAMSHA training I described. Those trained are now conducting in-services in public school to train other school staff. Here are a couple resources I found helpful when working with educators: The Dept. of Justice has curriculum called Childhood Trauma: Changing Minds https://changingmindsnow.org/ It has 5 gestures that you can teach school staff and be easily used with all ages in a school setting. Also here is a link where you can get a free download of "Helping Traumatized Children Learn" which offers methods to help schools insure traumatized children succeed in school. https://traumasensitiveschools...ized-children-learn/ Hope this helps a bit!
Becky, thank you so much for sharing this information. I have the "Helping Traumatized Children Learn" am glad to get the Childhood Trauma: Changing Minds.
Thank so much, Becky! As a teacher funding this on her own, cost is always a challenge. I would prefer to have an opportunity to participate online. I'll check out the resources and hopefully, someone will develop something to meet my needs soon.
Thanks again for sharing!
Hi, Barbie: You can find some online opportunities here:
And we'll be adding another one soon.
Cheers, Jane
Thanks, Jane! I really hope more will be developed for teachers of K-12 in the near future. I'll check these out. Thanks again!
Hi Elaine,
The ACE Interface Master Trainer Model (the one developed by Laura Porter and Rob Anda) is active in many of the states you mention. It is usually the State or a region within the State where you live and/or work which holds the license and serves as the sponsoring entity for the model, and the material is only licensed for presentation within that State or region. Depending on where you actually live and/or work, you may be able to receive the training from a certified Master Trainer. I would suggest you contact Victoria Bigelow at ACE Interface to ask about who, if anyone, is leading this in your State/region: victoria@aceinterface.com .