I am a Parole Office with a majority of men on my case load. I am looking for an On-line basic Trauma Informed Care Certificate Training program. Does anyone have any suggestions or know anything about allceus's training? Thank you.
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Hi, Katy: Is this for you or for your clients, or both?
Thanks Jane for responding. The online course is for myself in order to serve my clients better. I am not looking for credits or anything, but it would be nice to show my employer some sort of certificate.
Katy Muelhaupt posted:I am a Parole Office with a majority of men on my case load. I am looking for an On-line basic Trauma Informed Care Certificate Training program. Does anyone have any suggestions or know anything about allceus's training? Thank you.
I can provide my training online. Contact me if I can help!
ACE Overcomers: The Center for Resiliency is an STC Certified Trainer with the Board of State and Community Corrections. We are in Central California. Check out our website aceovercomers.org.
Katy Muelhaupt, PPOII
Probation/Parole Officer II
5th District, Department of Corrections
65 Gruber Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50315
*âLooking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the
mind.â *
On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 12:56 PM ACEsConnection <
communitymanager@acesconnection.com> wrote:
Hi, Katy: There are some online courses in our Resources Center: