This weekend I came across a new documentary on vicarious trauma in professional caregivers. Has anyone else heard of it, or seen it yet?
I'd love to hear from anyone who's seen the film.
This weekend I came across a new documentary on vicarious trauma in professional caregivers. Has anyone else heard of it, or seen it yet?
I'd love to hear from anyone who's seen the film.
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Here's some more info about it, Elizabeth:
Thanks Jane!
I bought the 20 minute educational version. I showed it to members of my fire company and they watched it in dead silence. The seasoned veterans of the department could identified with it.
Hi Elizabeth,
I'm so glad you discovered the "Caregivers" documentary. I've had the honor of being part of the advisory group on this film which was produced by a retired Child Welfare Supervisor, Vic Compher, in Philadelphia. We've done two community screenings of the film and it has been very well received. We also regularly use the 20 minute training video as part of our training on vicarious trauma. Happy to connect you with the filmmakers if you'd like to know more.
News travels fast :-) As director and co-producer of CAREgivers film ("Portraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion. Their Pain.") I'm delighted to learn of everyone's interest in our film. We are beginning to hear from a number of trauma-focused professionals from around the country and it seems the film is striking a chord for those of us who provide care for traumatized and suffering people. So far we have held about 50 screenings, mostly in Philadelphia and the mid-Atlantic area. In January the Philadelphia ACES Task Force held a film festival that featured CAREgivers film and Paper Tigers. The two films resonate especially well as they address in a parallel fashion primary and secondary trauma. CAREgivers film will be featured at the NASW national conference in Washington DC on June 23 in the evening. Please feel free to call me at 267-266-0842 or email if you have questions-- or visit our website to purchase the film for your institution -- or to arrange a community or theatrical screening through I'm also attaching the media kit which has lots of additional information, including many wonderful audience comments. Vic Compher
Thank you both! I'll pass this information along to our Deschutes County trauma-informed care workgroup and behavioral health supervisors. I believe your film will be most welcomed here!