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Hi Wendie, I think you are onto something!  In a past role, in the process of reaching out to our local VA outreach program I did a bit of research to see if there are anything published related to military services and ACEs.  This was a few years ago - so there is likely much more now.  Copied below are a few of the articles I found.  Please provide updates - this is a very worthwhile endeavor!  Karen

MILITARY MEDICINE, 173, 9:853, 2008
Acceptability of Adverse Childhood Experiences Questions for Health Surveillance in U.S. Armed Forces
Ronnie Robinson, MS*; Jamie D. Davis, PhD*; LTC Mary Krueger, MC USAf; Kristie Gore, PhD*t; Michael C. Freed, PhD*t; Phoebe Kuesters, BA*; Shanta Dube, PhD MPHยง; COL Charles C. Enget, MC USA*t

JAMAPsychiatry.2014;71(9): 1041-1048.doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.724 PublishedonlineJuly23,2014.
Disparities in Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Individuals with a History of Military Service
JohnR.Blosnich,PhD,MPH; MelissaE.Dichter,PhD,MSW; CatherineCerulli,PhD,JD; SonjaV.Batten,PhD; RobertM.Bossarte,PhD
From the article, page 1045:
In addition to types of ACEs, men with a history of military service from the all-volunteer a had more than twice the prevalence of experiencing ACEs in 4 or more categories. This finding is particularly concerning given the strong evidence of a dose-response relationship between ACEs and several health outcomes, including premature mortality.13 Research about mental health (eg, depression) and possibly physical health among current and former military personnel should consider taking account of ACEs, especially when comparing current and former military with nonmilitary individuals. JAMAPsychiatry September2014 Volume71, Number9

February 13, 2014        Word count: 4,268
Prevalence of Childhood Abuse among Army National Soldiers And Its Relationship to Adult Suicidal Behavior
James Griffith, Ph.D. National Center for Veteransโ€™ Studies University of Utah (formerly Army Research Psychologist, Colonel, U.S. Army National Guard) Mailing address:  James Griffith 229 North Forest Dune Drive, St. Augustine, FL  32080 Email:   Tel:  301-452-6026


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