Please share information about ACE film screenings you've either organized or attended in your community, including the lead contact if possible and related information. Newark NJ organizations seek to learn best practices as we plan local screenings. Thank you!
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HI Keri-
Last year we screened 'Paper Tigers' in both Yolo County and Sacramento County (neighboring counties in CA) and it was a wonderful platform to share information about our community ACEs initiatives. In Sacramento, we had a panel following the screening with several of the staff from Lincoln High (from the film), held a one day community networking convening the day of the screening and the next day hosted a training for school staff. Very successful. In Yolo Co. we hosted it our high school, invited Board of Sups & School Board members, school staff and community members. Over 400 people attended. We invited school staff (mainly mental health & nurses) to comment and facilitated a lively discussion about "what to do" in our community.
This last month, Sacramento Co. screened 'Resilience' to a packed house of over 300 people. (We also were able to bring Nadine Burke Harris to speak which was a wonderful draw). Lots of dialog & discussion; co-hosted by University of CA, Davis and our Sacramento ACEs Connection group. Also a huge success at raising awareness about ACEs science and getting folks talking about ACEs, and creating trauma-informed and resilience-building practices, & policies.
Hope this is helpful. Happy to provide more info or connect you with organizers of any of these events if you are interested.
The movie "The Wall" with Pink floyd. We are going to be viewing first thursday in December. The symbolism of a young mans experiece going into maddness. The references to the bricks in the wall. "We dont need no education" not trusting the system. Film was released in the 1980's. Did, not make a hit. But the music lives on in many of us. I will let you know how it goes.
The screening of "Paper Tigers" happened in The Dalles, Oregon last year. I missed it. Im ordering my own copy.
A number of the community networks participating in Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities have screened films related to ACEs and resiliency. Here's a short piece about those experiences--how they used film to mobilize action--in Kansas City, Philadelphia, Illinois, and Walla Walla:
Hi all. We are screening Paper Tiger in Cape May County NJ for all educators and other interested people in the area. In September we did it in Atlantic County NJ for the same audience. Free showing that I introduce show and then quickly process for the group. Next step will be to gather interested folks for a full day followup in the fall at Stockton University's ETTC/SRI.
Hi, Michael -- Educators who see Paper Tigers usually want to know more about how schools are becoming trauma-informed. You can point them to the ACEs in Education group on ACEsConnection for resources -- articles about who's integrating ACEs science and how it's working, toolkits, the different programs available, etc.
I am happy to talk you through some strategies that worked well for us in Chicago and throughout Illinois. It was a really great way to get people excited about the power to reduce ACEs. PM me and we can schedule a call when you are ready.
Hi Keri,
Please know both Paper Tigers and Resilience have been screenings in San Diego. Here is one blog on our San Diego County ACN group reflecting the panel discussion and small group break-outs following Resilience.
With supporting both the Paper Tigers and Resilience screenings, please know you can now purchase a dvd of Paper Tigers on their website for your personal use.
Please know too Todd Garrison with Elevate Montana would be an excellent individual to connect with too. His leadership is admirable in Montana with their Paper Tigers screenings as a catalyst for community engagement and capacity building. Please find a link on their ACN Group.
Please share if I may be of further support Keri.
Just attend the Because Kids Count Conference here in Indianapolis. I attended the screening of Resilience. They also screened Paper Tigers, but I did not attend that one as I work with PreK-6 grade youth.
Would be very interested to know how I can get copies of both films though. Does anyone know? Their websites were not very helpful.
Hi Sarah,
Please share if was not successful for your purchase or lease of both the Paper Tigers and Resilience screenings.
Please know you can buy or rent Paper Tigers for your personal use on iTunes. Attached, please find a .jpg of the iTunes selection under movies.
Please share how I may be of further support.