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I'm interested to follow the replies. In Alaska we used ACE Interface, but are exploring alternatives now in terms of curricula/models, and looking to improve the "certification" process for new trainers. The Sonoma County, CA, coalition has some good processes in place for ongoing professional development and certification of new trainers, which I plan to draw from. 

I think there's a difference between train-the-trainer and having an organization become trauma-informed. As mentioned above, ACEs Interface does train-the-trainer about ACEs science, but its intended to help communities spread the word about ACEs science. If organizations that have learned about ACEs science and how people in other or the same sectors are implementing it, and want to then integrate ACEs science into their work, i.e., become trauma-informed, then organizations such as Risking Connection, Sanctuary, and the National Council on Behavioral Health's Trauma-Informed Learning Collaboratives are the way to go.

For schools, check out the programs in the ACEs in Education group's resources section on whole school training --

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