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I had the opportunity to talk with some of our local police leaders, to introduce the ACE Science and the idea of trauma-informed policing.  They are interested in learning more, especially regarding other communities that have implemented TI policing and have had successful outcomes.  Policing is outside of my area of expertise.  Can anyone point me toward resources, articles, communities, etc.?  Thanks.

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In general, "trauma-informed policing" = CIT training. 

My opinion on CIT is that it's too disease model, too much focus on disproven clinical opinions about what causes "mental illness." Although cops are one of the least concerning people to be bought into the disease model biochemical BS theory. Since cops aren't supposed to be interacting  A LOT with people, having them not believe in recovery is not as damaging as a mental health provider that is clueless about recovery.

But also, CIT varies widely in the number of hours spent with actual recovery movement advocates (which in my opinion are the only people who know useful stuff about mental health). In Idaho they spend 20 of the 40 hours with peer advocates. In kansas City they only spend 1 of the 40 hours with peer advocates. So the quality of the training varies widely. Mostly as a function of the quality of the NAMI chapter in that region, which also vary quite widely.

Tracy this is very exciting that there is support for ACEs/TIC in law enforcement.  Wisconsin is one of the communities supported by Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities, backbone is the Office of Children's Mental Health, Elizabeth Hudson is the Project Director.  Many of the MARC communities have law enforcement involved in their cross sector networks - a few leaders are Darren Ivey, Kansas City Trauma Matters, the Chief of Police in Tarpon Springs FL ( Peace4Tarpon, FL) and in Albany NY (HEARTS Network) .  Also, Becky Haas, who is a member of ACEs Connection is doing some amazing work in Johnson County, TN with that police dept. and has blogged about it on ACN.  Let me know if we can facilitate connections.  Often a starting point is to begin by understanding secondary traumatic stress.  Here's an article we published about STS and law enforcment

I think trauma informed policing has two important aspects to it: (1) helping police have a better understanding of the behaviors of people in response to police / citizen interactions; and (2) helping police understand their own behavior in response to the stressful situations they repeatedly encounter; and then there's a third: helping police understand the likely interactions between the two. Once you  start to understand the escalation and deescalation possibilities of these two sets of coping strategies and their interactions, more options for shaping interactions in less damaging and more positive outcomes producing ways start to emerge. 





Tracy Henegar posted:

I had the opportunity to talk with some of our local police leaders, to introduce the ACE Science and the idea of trauma-informed policing.  They are interested in learning more, especially regarding other communities that have implemented TI policing and have had successful outcomes.  Policing is outside of my area of expertise.  Can anyone point me toward resources, articles, communities, etc.?  Thanks.

I know this is an old post but if you were not able to find resources for training officers I wanted to share this.

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