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We all know how very important it is for adults to understand ACEs  and then of course, use interventions to build resilience and perhaps prevent ACEs.  Are there any presentations/slide shows/videos, etc. that are particularly aimed at helping young people (12 and older) understand ACEs?  It is so vital for kids to understand the effects of trauma on their behavior, certainly not as an excuse for but an explanation.  Paper Tigers is a great documentary for older teens, but may be too long for viewing and follow up discussion if there is only one presentation.  Thank you, anyone, who can cite some resources or even a single resource.

Last edited by Elaine Spicer
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Here’s a resource for promoting positive childhood experiences and preventing adverse childhood experiences.

Most of the ten original aces are associated with unsupportive and harmful parenting.  In an effort to encourage positive parenting we give away bumper stickers that have parenting messages on them.  Grandparents, mature parents, young parents, soon-to-be parents, teens, and school age children all read our parenting norms bumper stickers and learn about supportive parenting.

The stickers can be put in holders and placed on counters so folks can choose one for their cars or they can be given away at meetings and events.

Visit to be placed on our waiting list for the bumper stickers.  Just one will be read thousands of times!

Last edited by David Dooley

You might want to take a look at Mind Matters because it is written for young people as well as adults and does explain ACES and toxic stress. There is a great lesson called "Compassion for the Highjacked Brain."

The rest of the program helps people learn skills and practices to self-soothe and build resilience.

Happy to send you a 15 day free review copy.

We also have a free website for teens, Me & My Emotions, which conveys the content of Mind Matters. It was written by college students for teens so it's very fun.

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