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Belleruth Naparstek: Guided Imagery for Parents w/ ACEs

Belleruth Naparstek: Guided Imagery for Parents w/ ACEs
  • Parenting with ACEs & Invisible Heroes
  • Isn't Trauma to Tough for Something as Gentle as Guided Imagery?
  • Challenges and tools for parents with Parents with PTSD and/or ACEs
  • Time for Q&A

...trauma isn't even stored in the parts of the brain where language can access it. Instead it's been cached as frozen, primitive, pre-language experience - sensation, perception, emotion, images and motor reactivity - in the survival-based structures of the brain. What does help are tools that target the affected parts of the brain. Belleruth Naparstek

Four Threads Run through Effective Approaches to Treating Post-Traumatic Stress:

  1. They first and foremost find ways to re-regulate the nervous system.
  2. They destigmatize and normalize the experience by explaining PTS as the somatic and neurophysiologic condition it is.
  3. They offer simple, self-administer-able tools that empower the end-user and confer a sense of mastery and control.
  4. The interventions are cast as training in skill sets, not the healing of pathology.


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Summer Luke posted:

This is wonderful that there is a focus on parenting with PTS. There is so little help out there for those who are battling ahead while carrying deep, invisible wounds. I have scoured the internet and my own city.

I am a parent with PTS, and also a therapist-in-training. The most helpful thing I have experienced in regards to my own healing has been Belleruth's guided imagery for healing PTSD. I love love love it, and am so grateful for her healing presence in my life, though we have never met. I cannot thank you enough!

Hi Summer!

There's next to nothing out there and comments like yours are part of the change. We are finding each other! We are sharing resources. What a relief, right? And hopefully we do stuff that makes it easier for others who come after. There's a nice community here. Please post and share freely in the Parenting with ACEs community (as well as here). I hope you can make the chat. 

I ADORE and have been helped SO much by guided imagery and Belleruth's work, too. I'll make sure she sees your comment so she knows what a difference she has made! Her approach and the way she's been writing, talking and supporting survivors and those with traumatic stress from any cause is so different than the traditional medical model. She totally gets the physiology is all wonky and how hard that can make so many things, that not all want, benefit from or can afford talk therapy and that sometimes we need to find things we can do alone, at home or at strange or random times.

I'm so glad you commented and to e-meet you. Please share writing, resources, ideas and suggestions. Cissy / Parenting with ACEs Group Manager and sometimes chat moderator  

This is wonderful that there is a focus on parenting with PTS. There is so little help out there for those who are battling ahead while carrying deep, invisible wounds. I have scoured the internet and my own city.

I am a parent with PTS, and also a therapist-in-training. The most helpful thing I have experienced in regards to my own healing has been Belleruth's guided imagery for healing PTSD. I love love love it, and am so grateful for her healing presence in my life, though we have never met. I cannot thank you enough!

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