Webinar Archive

Integrating Climate Traumas into ACEs Prevention with Bob Doppelt
Starting & Growing Resilient Communities Series
Overview of the Community Resilience Model with Elaine Miller-Karas
Florida’s Early Childhood Courts: Transforming Child Welfare
Sponsored by: National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health,
Co-sponsored by: ACEs Connection and CTIPP
Strategic Advocacy: Winning Policy Change without Crossing the Lobbying Line
Co-hosted by CTIPP
Self-Healing Communities Model
Co-hosted with CTIPP
New Alaska Statute Directs State Policy to Incorporate Principles of Brain Development
Co-hosted with CTIPP
The State of Childhood Adversity Legislation: Lessons from a National Scan of State Policies and Legislator Experience
Co-hosted with 4CA
Integrating ACEs Science in Pediatrics: Early Adopters Share Lessons from the Field, an ACEs Connection Webinar Cosponsored with 4CA
The Trauma Toll on Pediatric Immigrants, Refugees and their Families
Teaching Trauma-informed Practices to Students and Residents in Healthcare Fields
Integrating a Trauma-Informed Approach into Substance Abuse Disorder Treatment
'A Better Normal Community' Discussion Series

Jim Sporleder on Trauma-informed Schools
PC Reacts is a new series by PACEs Connection in which we look at current events through a trauma-informed and PACEs science lens. Have a topic idea? Reach out to communitymanager@pacesconnection.com