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Coalescing for Change: Hope-Filled Action at the Intersection of Science and Community Wisdom

Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center 17620 International Blvd Seattle, WA

The Power of Story: James Redford's Powerful ACE-Related Documentaries

Join Brook Holston, producer at Shadow Creek Films, for a sneak peek of two upcoming documentaries about the power of adverse childhood experiences across the lifespan. Paper Tigers follows five students for a year at Walla Walla's Lincoln High School, highlighting the peril and possibility of education at the intersection with ACEs. Resilience is a science documentary exploring the power of toxic stress on brain development. These films will be released to the public in 2015.


Health Equity

Foundation for Healthy Generations is absolutely thrilled to introduce lunchtime keynote speaker Ron Sims on Wednesday, September 17th at our upcoming conference, Coalescing for Change! Sims is a nationally recognized champion for health equity, social justice & health care reform and an incredibly inspiring speaker.

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