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Complex Trauma, Children, and the Health Home Option: Moving Research and Practice to Policy (webinar)


Complex Trauma, Children, and the Health Home Option: Moving Research and Practice to Policy (webinar)

This webinar will detail how National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) researchers and practitioners with expertise in complex trauma and children partnered with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), and the New York State Department of Health to establish complex trauma in children as an eligible condition for health home coverage. This translation of research and practice into policy provides an enhanced treatment and financing benefit for children exposed to complex trauma. Learn how New York State put this concept into practice and generated a complex trauma referral workflow for this population of children.

Sponsored by the NCCTS Policy Program and the NCTSN Policy Task Force. Co-Sponsored by the Complex Trauma and Developmental Trauma Disorder Work Group.

* Larke Nahme Huang, PhD, Director, Office of Behavioral Health Equity, and Lead, Trauma and Justice Strategic Initiative, SAMHSA
* Christa Speicher , MPH, Health Insurance Specialist, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
* Mandy Habib, PsyD, Co-Director, Institute for Adolescent Trauma Treatment and Training, Adelphi University * Phyllis Silver, MEd, President, Silver Health Strategies, New York
* Lana I. Earle, MA Economics, Deputy Director, Office of Health Insurance Programs, New York State Department of Health
* Moderated by Diane Elmore, PhD, MPH, Policy Program Director, UCLA-Duke University NCCTS 

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