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Creating Change: Practice Spirit, Do Justice Day-Long Institute: Radical Connectedness, Liberating Particularity

Sheraton Downtown Denver

Practice Spirit, Do Justice Day-Long Institute: Radical Connectedness, Liberating Particularity
Rooted in our own religious and spiritual traditions, we also seek culturally competent ways to connect with others. How can we work together to build an intersectional, spiritual movement for justice? How might our various traditions equip us to tackle faith-based challenges to LGBT equality? The PSDJ Day-Long Institute will provide an overview of strategies to map the diverse and powerful spiritual and belief traditions participants represent and to assess our specific areas of impact. We will collaboratively envision a multi-faith, multi-issue LGBT movement for social justice. Come and share your ideas and passion to shape this vision while learning skills about mindful listening and compassionate sharing. Guided exercises and small group sessions will facilitate deep intersectional analysis of spirituality in the struggle for LGBT social, political and economic equality. Participants will better understand our collective impact as a movement, learn practical skills, and build relationships. Together we will balance self-reflection and self-care while learning to value our differences and explore our intersections. 

Coordinated by Kathleen Campisano, Faith Organizing Manager, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; and Pastor Darren Phelps

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