We hope you join us as we begin our free monthly speaker series created to educate, inspire, and support our communities during the time of COVID, firestorms, social unrest, and economic downturn.
Our esteemed group of speakers will foster meaningful discussions that examine the impacts of our new normal. They will address a variety of topics that can help strengthen our children, families, and communities during these challenging times.

With the prevalence of traumatic events and the constant exposure to traumatic stories across the world, addressing the impact of trauma can feel daunting, but it can be done.
Join Elizabeth Vermilyea, Ph.D., an innovative leader of trauma-informed program development as she explains how we can help everyone every time by implementing a trauma-informed approach to all aspects of care. Dr. Vermilyea will discuss how to help people recover from traumatic experiences through RICH relationships: Respect, Information, Connection, & Hope.
Become trauma-informed. Become part of the healing.
About Elizabeth Vermilyea, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Vermilyea, Ph.D., has been working exclusively with trauma survivors and the people who advocate for them since 1991. She is the esteemed Deputy Director of the Child Parent Institute, and an independent consultant specializing in traumatic stress consultation, training, and program development.
Dr. Vermilyea creates and delivers customized traumatic stress education programs and consultation to a broad range of professional, paraprofessional, and public audiences, including caregivers and frontline service providers in child and adult mental health, public and private school systems, sexual assault, and domestic violence settings, providers working with the homeless, corrections, developmental disabilities agencies, crime victim assistance agencies, and substance abuse programs across the U.S. and in Canada.
She provides substantive, interactive workshops on symptom management, compassion fatigue/vicarious traumatization, trauma-informed care, trauma-informed leadership, differential diagnosis, ethics, self-injury, trauma & addiction, and addressing trauma in medical settings. Elizabeth is the author of Growing Beyond Survival: A Self-help Toolkit for Addressing Symptoms of Traumatic Stress and co-author of Risking Connection in Faith Communities: A Training Curriculum for Faith Leaders Supporting Trauma Survivors.
To learn more about Elizabeth Vermilyea, Ph.D., please visit www.elizabethvermilyea.org.
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