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Hurt to Hope 2: Building A High Capacity Community

McGavick Center at Clover Park Technical College

Website/URL: http://events.r20.constantcont...9ec0bb&llr=rzdxshoab

Organized By: Karin White

Contact Info: 253-798-4361


A two-day summit in which participants will learn about how trauma impacts our programs, clients, and organizations, and some solutions that create better care for everyone--clients, staff, leaders, and community members. Using the research on adverse childhoold experiences (ACEs), toxic stress, trauma impacts on brain development, and human resiliency, a trauma-informed model of service helps answer the perpetual question, "so what do we do about it?" Participant teams will come away with real tools for assessing their work, understanding how trauma is impacting their organization, their clients, and themselves, and ways to apply trauma informed care practices to their programs.


4500 Steilacoom Blvd. S.W. Lakewood, WA 98499

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