Municipal Leadership for Juvenile Justice Reform Webinar Series
Building on the success of the Juvenile Justice Reform Leadership Academy, the webinar series will:
- highlight locally-led community-based alternatives to arrest, prosecution and detention for youth;
- provide concrete tools and guidelines for collecting and using data to drive city reforms; and
- will support cross-city sharing of policies, practices and ideas on these and other innovations.
NLC Webinar Series #2: Diversion from Arrest and Detention Using Juvenile Assessment and Service Centers
Juvenile assessment and service centers can provide a key first stop for youth accused of status offenses or misdemeanors. Lake Charles (La.) Chief of Police Don Dixon will present the Multi-Agency Resource Centerâs impact on youth, families, law enforcement agencies and public safety in Calcasieu Parish. In addition, Josh Peterson, Youth Intervention and Outreach Coordinator with the Minneapolis Health Department, will speak about the partnership among the city, schools, and county that enables the Juvenile Supervision Center to succeed.
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