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The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma

Minneapolis, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC

The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma

Calo Programs is partnering with three of the nation's leading authorities on attachment, trauma and adoption on a first-of-its-kind campaign to heal childhood trauma.  Calo is collaborating with The Attachment and Trauma Network (ATN), the American Adoption Congress (AAC) and the Association for Training on Trauma and Attachment in Children (ATTACh) on a five city bus tour that begins in Minneapolis on Friday, November 10th and ends in Washington, DC on November 15th. Together we are launching a first-of-its-kind mobile campaign to increase awareness, compassion and understanding of the lifelong impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and to share a hope for healing. The purpose of this five-city bus tour is to raise awareness of how ACEs impact the development of 1 in 4 children in the U.S., and how these often-overlooked experiences can adversely impact development, in a physical, mental and emotional way.

The events in each of the five cities are free and open to the public. For more information or to register for this free event go to Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma. Other collaborating organizations include: The Trauma Center, Complex Trauma Treatment Network and Justice Resource Institute in Boston, Voices for Adoption in Washington DC, and Adoptions Together out of Maryland.

November is National Adoption Month, an important time to recognize that adoptive children and those in foster and residential care are at significant risk for Developmental Trauma Disorder. "The Campaign to End Childhood Trauma" includes three hours of free presentations, trainings, experiential activities and a resource fair to not only raise awareness, but to share a hope for healing. The campaign launches from ATTACh headquarters in Minneapolis, MN on November 10th and includes stops in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia and ends in Washington DC on November 15th where the tour will join forces with Voice for Adoption and The Adoptive Family Portrait Project on Capitol Hill for a rally.

Not only are we advocating for this population, but we are also offering  hope for healing as the tour includes informing both parents and professionals of new interventions and strategies geared specifically to work with these youngsters. Please take a moment to review  the website and share this information with your networks and friends; or for a printable copy of the PDF click Thank you.


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