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Participants Needed for a New Social Media Campaign Centering & Celebrating Diverse 2SLGBTQIA+ Family Stories (National Training & Technical Assistance Center)

Participants Needed for a New Social Media Campaign Centering & Celebrating Diverse 2SLGBTQIA+ Family Stories We want to center and celebrate the stories of diverse families around the nation. This social media campaign features 2SLGBTQIA+ families of all kinds: queer and trans parents, queer and trans kids, families of choice, family of origin, drag family - if there is love and care, you are welcome here! Share your thoughts on the word "family" to be featured in the campaign. Campaign...

Sibling Abuse: Types, Signs, & Prevention (

To read more of Lena Suarez-Angelino's article, please click here. Sibling abuse typically takes place between blood relatives, or step-siblings close to each other in age. Usually, the victim and the abuser live under the same roof, making it even more difficult to recognize, report or manage. Like other forms of abuse, it is not limited to physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. What Is Sibling Abuse? Sibling abuse, also referred to as sibling bullying, or ‘forgotten abuse’ is the physical,...

'Heaven's receptionist' is on TikTok and she's helping people cope with loss in a beautiful way (

@taryntino21/ TikTok What started off as pure comedy became something else altogether. To read more of Heather Wake's article, please click here. Taryn Delanie Smith might have won the title of Miss New York in 2022, but these days she is repping her hometown in a whole new way. Over on TikTok , Smith plays Denise, a gum-chewing, white bathrobe-wearing receptionist ushering folks to the pearly gates—all with a quintessential New York accent and nonchalance. As you can probably imagine, most...

Psychologist Enrique Echeburúa: ‘People who die by suicide want to stop suffering, not to stop living’ (

Enrique Echeburúa at his office, in San Sebastián, Spain. © Javier Hernandez Juantegui (EL PAÍS) To read more of Daniel Mediavilla's article, please click here. Enrique Echeburúa (San Sebastian, Spain, 72 years old), Professor Emeritus of Clinical Psychology at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), says that when a suicide occurs, there are other victims beyond the deceased, and they do not receive adequate support. “The first thing [we need to do] is make it easier for the family...

Want to create a stronger bond with your kids? First relinquish control (

Malte Mueller/Getty Images/fStop To read more of Andee Tagle's article, please click here. It may sound counterintuitive, but if you want to take charge as a parent, stop trying to control your child, says psychologist and author Shefali Tsabary . Her book, The Parenting Map , outlines how to create conscious parent-child relationships by focusing on the reactions you have to your child's behavior rather than the behavior itself. "We keep expecting the child to change and keep trying to...

4 Ways Outdoor Play Helps Develop Resilience In Children

Outdoor play is key to the health and well-being of children. Getting muddy and staying out till sunset is great for children’s development and can help them refine their motor coordination skills. Kids who play outdoors have improved cognitive skills, too. A recent systematic review found that children who have regular access to green spaces show improved “mental well-being, overall health, and cognitive development.” Children who play outside also had better self-discipline and showed...

Life-saving or stigmatizing? Parents wrestle with obesity treatment options for kids (

Image: Janice Chang for NPR To read more of Yuki Noguchi's article, please click here. Two mothers — Jen McLellan in Albuquerque, N.M., and Grace, of Bethesda, Md. — haven't met, but they share a common childhood trauma: Both came of age in the 1980s and '90s feeling burdened by shame and stigma over their body size. Both tried every known diet plan and pill available at the time, only to have doctor after doctor admonish them to restrict calories and exercise still more. Since then,...

Barbie Debuts First Doll with Down Syndrome to 'Counter Social Stigma Through Play' (

First-ever Barbie doll with Down syndrome. PHOTO: MATTEL To read more of Nick Maslow's article, please click here. The National Down Syndrome Society, which collaborated with Mattel on the doll, says it's a "huge step forward for inclusion". Barbie is making history once again! Mattel on Tuesday announced the debut of its first-ever Barbie with Down syndrome. The doll was "created to allow even more children to see themselves in Barbie, as well as have Barbie reflect the world around them,"...

A Letter to Kyle

To mark the anniversary of the passage of the landmark legislation of the Georgia Mental Health Parity Act, we are sharing a letter written a year ago by Roland Behm, Co-founder of the Georgia Mental Health Policy Partnership, Board Member and Former Board Chair, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) Georgia Chapter. The letter is to his son, Kyle, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2010 as a junior in college and died by suicide in August 2019.

How Parents Can Support Teen Mental Heath (

ILLUSTRATION BY MARY LONG ' "Mental health problems in teens can sometimes take unexpected forms. Depression and anxiety can manifest as irritability and noncompliance, which parents may reasonably view as disrespect and laziness. Understanding what is beneath those behaviors is challenging. Teens are quite secretive, so they may not disclose the extent of their struggles." To read more of Toria Herd & Sarah A. Font's article, please click here. More than 44% of teens reported persistent...

Teen Girls Are Not Alright. ADHD Magnifies the Crisis. (

To read more of Nicole Kear's article, please click here. Teen girls in the U.S. are “engulfed in a growing wave of sadness, violence and trauma,” according to a report released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that found alarming increases in rates of rape, depression, suicidality, and cyberbullying among adolescents. 1 “The numbers are unprecedented,” said Kathleen Ethier, director of the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health . “Our young people...

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