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Parenting with PACEs. PACEs science & stories. Trauma-informed change.


The Expanded Child Tax Credit Is Gone. The Battle Over It Remains. []

By Jason DeParle, Photo: Nate Smallwood/The New York Times, The New York Times, November 25, 2022 When the history of American hardship is written in some distant decade, two recent events may capture the whipsaw forces of the age. Child poverty fell to a record low. And the program that did the most to reduce it vanished. The story of that temporary program — technically, a tax-credit expansion but more plainly a series of monthly checks to most families with children — was extraordinary in...

Your child being diagnosed with a mental health condition is not your fault (

To read more of Jacalyn please click here. My heart dropped when I read the message from my friend. Normally the exchange is pleasant and I look forward to our conversations but before I even opened the message, the preview told me that something was wrong. All I could see was, "Did you hear about Edith's son?" I hesitated before opening the message because I knew it wouldn't be good, and sadly, I was right. Our friend posted that she was planning funeral services for her 15-year-old son,...

FREE WEBINAR: How to Heal Trauma Through a Child’s Love Language

One of the biggest fallouts from the pandemic is that parent-child conflict was amplified or exacerbated to an extremely high level. At the Family Trauma Institute, we call this “interactional trauma” or constant conflict between parent and child (drama=trauma) that leads to resentment, bitterness, and lost attachment. Often, the quickest way to heal this type of deep trauma is through the child or adolescent’s love language. Each child has a special one. For some its “words of affirmation”...

The mums who are ambivalent about motherhood []

By Amanda Ruggeri, BBC, Image credit: Getty Images, November 16, 2022 Motherhood is hard – and many women have conflicting feelings about the role. Why is saying this so off limits? Even before having her first child, Libby Ward knew what kind of mother she wanted to be. Patient. Loving. Intentional. But her hopes went beyond that, especially when she looked at the mothers in her social circle. She wanted to emulate them in other ways, too: home-made meals, pristine houses, nap schedules.

48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2

New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various cultures from around the world. In this inclusive study we rely...

Thousands of kids lost loved ones to the pandemic. Psychologists are teaching them how to grieve, and then thrive []

By Tori DeAngelis, American Psychological Association, October 1, 2022 At least 204,000 U.S. children and teens have lost parents and other in-home caregivers to COVID -19—more than 1 in every 360 youth, according to COVID Collaborative , an interdisciplinary group of experts that is raising awareness and support for COVID -bereaved children. The growing number of children facing these tragedies highlights the pressing need for clinicians to become versed in helping them cope and ultimately...

Mark Your Calendar! In 2022, Children's Grief Awareness Day will be Thursday, November 17! []

On Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022, the Highmark Caring Place will host the Third Annual VIRTUAL Children's Grief Awareness Day. The schedule of the day's presentations and activities is shown below. No registration is required for any of the Children's Grief Awareness Day presentations, either beforehand or on November 17. All the events will be live on the Children's Grief Awareness Day Facebook page and on the Highmark Caring Place YouTube page. New videos will be released throughout the day from...

How Climate Change Affects Children's Health []

By Aparna Bole, MD, FAAP & Claire McCarthy, MD, FAAP, Every day, pediatricians see how climate change affects children’s physical and mental health. When pediatricians talk with parents about what’s good for their kids, part of our job is connecting the dots between climate change and their child’s health. Connecting the dots For example, pediatricians often talk with parents about how a healthy diet and exercise help children grow into healthy adults. When we talk...

Many California Families Can't Access Mental Health Care for Kids. This East Palo Alto Mom Found a Way []

By Blanca Torres, USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism, Illustration by Anna Vignet/KQED, September 30, 2022 Jasmine Cuevas stood at her kitchen stove preparing migas, stirring a pan of eggs and tortillas before calling her four children to dinner. She spooned servings onto plates while asking each about their day. “I get out of work, get them from school and then we come straight home,” she said. “And, it’s a wreck: dinner, homework, reading, bath and then bedtime by 7:30 at the...

Pediatrician is changing the way we think about teens with 'lighthouse parenting' tips (

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash 'Lighthouse parenting' can help make raising teens less rocky. To read more of Christine Organ's article, please click here. Dr. Ken Ginsburg’s advice for parents is like a hug, TED talk and Masterclass rolled into one. As a parent of teens, I often wonder: W hy didn’t anyone tell me it would be like this? I don’t mean the warnings and complaints about how challenging the teen years are. I don’t mean all of the “just you wait” admonitions. I don’t mean the...

Breaking the Cycle: How parental mental health affects kids — and what to do about it []

By Blanca Torres, USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism, October 18, 2022 When Mariana Pimentel thinks about her childhood in a small town in Mexico, she remembers being surrounded by anger and desperation. Her parents worked long hours to support Pimentel and her brothers and sisters, so they were often absent. When they were home, her parents communicated by yelling. “I want my kids to grow up in a different environment from how I grew up and not repeat the same mistakes,” said...

Why Childhood Anxiety Often Goes Undetected (and the Consequences) []

By Roy Boorady, MD, Child Mind Institute, August 18, 2022 All kids worry sometimes. But when worry makes it hard for them to participate in daily life, they may have an anxiety disorder. Because anxiety often affects a child’s thoughts and feelings more than it affects their behavior, it can be hard to spot. It’s also possible for a child to be generally happy but still so anxious that it interferes with some aspect of their life, like school or socializing. Common outward signs that a child...

Jeoff Gordon sees PACEs science, PACEs Connection playing a vital role in ‘relieving some of the most anguishing pain in our society.’

Note: PACEs Connection is in dire financial straits. We are asking for support, from you, our 57,586 members, to help cover the loss of foundation funding that was promised and did not come through. Pay and hours have been cut for our staff—most of us will be laid off for the month of December. Another grant will pick up in January, but we will still be underfunded. Since sounding the alarm this summer, we’ve raised about $26,000 . Thankfully, about 25% of new donors are making monthly...

Announcing The Connections Matter Academy - Videos to Help Teens Cope with Trauma

The Connections Matter Academy is a set of engaging videos designed to educate young people about trauma and how it impacts their life. We created it to inspire teens to begin their healing process, break the cycle of intergenerational trauma, and reach their highest potential through healthy connections with others. What exactly is The Connections Matter Academy? An educational, inclusive, and entertaining animated series to help teens and young adults cope with trauma Co-created by Beth...

New survey: 91% of parents say their family is less stressed when they eat together []

By American Heart Association Newsroom, October 10, 2022 The American Heart Association releases new survey highlighting mealtime impact on mental well-being and introduces Together Tuesdays™ to help people maximize health benefits of shared meals Survey Highlights: 91% of parents notice their family is less stressed when they share family meals together. 65% of surveyed adults say they are at least somewhat stressed, and more than a quarter (27%) are very or extremely stressed. 84% of...

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