Tagged With "danger"
Blog Post
Limbic Revision – Love Heals Your Traumatized Brain
Limbic revision is simply another name for revising and rewiring the faulty development of our brain, namely our limbic system. In simple terms in order to truly heal we need to experience deep and attuned loving care.
Blog Post
Marital Emotional Neglect/Abuse. The Damage it causes.
Emotional neglect. It’s a quiet relationship killer, slowly dimming the light between two people. Before you know it, you feel alone even when your partner is right there. I’ve been there. I remember that gnawing loneliness, the constant ache for a real emotional connection. It’s debilitating. My goal is to help anyone experiencing emotional neglect feel less alone. Consider this a safe space to find hope, gain clarity, and remember your worth. This comes from a place of empathy — not...