Valencia’s Peace and Justice Institute is excited to announce that we received a grant from the Khatoon Foundation to continue momentum around the work of ACEs and resilience in Central Florida.
With this grant, we are able to bring on a Project Coordinator (Kelsey Visser) for 10 hrs/week for 4 months. Since our “sector” as Valencia College is education, our focus will be on contributing the following to the educational goals of the ACEs work:
Film Screenings:
- Coordinating and marketing 2 film screenings at Valencia College in partnership with key players on campus (ex: allied health & nurses, psychology department, school of public safety). With the goal of 5 screenings before the next conference in 2020.
ACEs Connection Central Florida Blog:
- Post to ACEs Connection blog
- Get relevant and local content and events form ACEs partners.
- Add to ACEs Connection calendar
- If you have something you would like Kelsey to post for your organization on the blog or the calendar, please email her:
Common Read Groups:
- Encourage book clubs to be started in Central Florida for Nadine Burke Harris’ The Deepest Well and create a social space on Facebook for people to connect about it.
- If a group from your organization would like to join The Deepest Well common read group, please go to our Facebook group
(PJI Common Read) and request access:
We know this is just a small drop in the bucket compared to the amazing work many of you are already doing in the Central Florida community. Yet we know every effort matters. Our team is energized by this grant and grateful for the commitment of the Khatoon Foundation to advancing this important work around ACEs and resilience.
To learn more about the Khatoon Foundation, please visit their newly updated website:
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